demo test broj 3, WOJSKO, testy


Следи пример теста за вештине слушања, читања и писања.

Сврха овог теста је детаљније упознавање кандидата са различитим методама тестирања (али не и свим) које се употребљавају, као и нивоима језичких способности потребних за добијање језичког профила.

Решавање овог теста не гарантује постизање бољег успеха, али свакако може допринети бољем размевању саме структуре СРПСКОГ теста STANAG 6001 за енглески језик.

Број теста 1/200...

0x08 graphic
Шифра кандидата



ТРАЈАЊЕ: 30 - 45 минута


Не отварајте тест док не добијете дозволу дежурног професора.

Упишите своју шифру на назначеном месту.

Треба да одговорите на сва питања.

Снимак се слуша једном.

Одговоре пишите на местима назначеним у тесту.

На крају теста ћете имати пет минута за пренос одговора у образац за одговоре.

Не смете износити испитни материјал из просторије за тестирање.


Тест садржи 30 задатака и подељен је на следећи начин:

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1. ДЕО Задаци 1 - 5

2. ДЕО Задаци 6 - 10

3. ДЕО Задаци 11 - 15

4. ДЕО Задаци 16 - 20

5. ДЕО Задаци 21 - 25

6. ДЕО Задаци 26 - 30



You will hear some TV news items. There are five questions, one for each news item.

Write the letter of the topic in the table below. There are two extra topics. Do not use them. The statement (0) has been done for you as an example.

You have one minute to look at the questions.

Now listen to the news items. You will hear the items once.

(0) News item - example


(1) News item One

(2) News item Two

(3) News item Three

(4) News item Four

(5) News item Five

A Arts

B Catastrophes

C Economics

D Medicine

E Politics

F Science

G Space

H Sport

I War

You now have one minute to check your answers.

Now turn over the page for part two.


You will hear an interview with John Peters.

Put a circle round the correct letter. The statement (0) has been done for you as an example.

You have one minute to look at the questions.

Now listen to the interview. You will hear the interview once.

  1. John Peters began playing tennis at the age of:

    1. 0x08 graphic

    2. five

    3. six

  1. He took part in his first competition when he was

    1. fourteen

    2. fifteen

    3. sixteen

  1. In a three-hour match he played with a tennis player from

    1. America

    2. England

    3. Australia

  1. John Peters gave up tennis because he was

    1. tired

    2. successful

    3. married

  1. His wife used to be a

    1. tennis player

    2. coach

    3. journalist

(10) Their three children play tennis

    1. professionally

    2. for fun

    3. rarely

You now have one minute to check your answers.

Now turn over the page for part three.


You will hear the platoon commander briefing his section commanders about the treatment of prisoners of war. There are five questions.

Fill in the right word(s) in the table in NOT MORE THAN THREE words. The statement (0) has been done for you as an example.

You have one minute to look at the questions.

Now listen to the briefing. You will hear the briefing once.

(0) The document the treatment is based on is

the Geneva Convention

(11) A piece of information a prisoner of war must give is

(12) Prisoners of war mustn't be

(13) An item which could help military intelligence is

(14) A device that could help a prisoner to escape is

(15) An example of things not to be taken from a prisoner is

You now have one minute to check your answers.

Now turn over the page for part four.


You will hear three people talking about themselves.

Fill in the missing information in NOT MORE THAN FOUR words. The statement (0) has been done for you as an example.

You have one minute to look at the questions.

Now listen to the talks. You will hear the talks once.





Born where?

Leeds, England

(0) Accra, Ghana

Novi Sad, Serbia

Date of birth





2 sons

1 daughter


First Job


Personal assistant to business man

Legal department in a bank

Job now

Co-ordinating communications in Iraq


Legal consultant



Cooking, family cats, action films


You now have one minute to check your answers.

Now turn over the page for part five.


You will hear a description of the Eurofighter Typhoon.

Put letters (A- H) next to numbers (21 - 25) in the table below.

The order is not important.

There are two extra sentences. Do not use them.

The statement (0) has been done for you as an example.

You have one minute to look at the questions.

Now listen to the description. You will hear the description once.


The Eurofighter is a very flexible aircraft.


It is produced by four European countries.


It was approved for production in 2003.


The four partner nations will buy 620 aircraft.


Its maximum speed is two Mach.


It cannot reach Mach speed flying at a low level.


Its length is just under 16 metres.


It's maximum weight at take off can be 23, 500 kilograms.








You now have one minute to check your answers.

Now turn over the page for part six.


You will hear a report by Kate Clark on life in Afghanistan.

Tick (√) TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN next to the statement. The statement (0) has been done for you as an example.

You have one minute to look at the questions.

Now listen to the report. You will hear the report once.




(0) Mullah Dadullah was Kate's old neighbour from Kabul.

(26) Kate wasn't surprised to hear her neighbour on the BBC.

(27) Mullah Dadullah was a junior Taliban officer.

(28) The Taliban lost power almost a year and a half ago.

(29) The Taliban managed to keep power for a very long time.

(30) It was quite normal for the Taliban fighters to see a woman.

You now have one minute to check your answers.

This is the end of the listening test.

Date .................................... Test number 1/200..

0x08 graphic

Candidate's code 2 6 7 8 4 3

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2 daughters, 1 son




the Signals Corps




CEO for a hospital




sailing, training sons football




fishing, hunting






































family photographs



Marker's Initials

Listening Total



News item - example

The main opposition party has won a sweeping victory in congressional and municipal elections in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Based on the nearly complete official results made public on Sunday, the left-center Democratic Revolutionary Party has won 23 of the 30 Senate seats. The party also won the mayoral race in the capital, where the singer Johnny Ventura swept to victory.

News item - one

Two more children died of an intestinal virus in Taiwan. Doctors say that the virus has infected at least 200,000 babies around the island in the past week. A team of US experts arrived here on Saturday to help authorities find the cause of the killer disease.

News item - two

A tornado destroyed dozens of villages, killing 443 people and injuring more than 33,000 in Bangladesh. The twister, with a wind speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour lasted 20 minutes. Tornados often strike in April, May and June, the months when the temperature goes up in Bangladesh.

News item - three

Some of the world's biggest computer makers said that they would develop compatible standards for low-cost, portable electronics such as laptop computers. Eleven companies are struggling for a share of a global computer market dominated by Intel and Microsoft. The standards would determine how mobile computer screens should look, how much power they need and the method of linking them to networks.

News item - four

A mine blew up a tractor-trailer, killing eight civilians riding in the vehicle in northern Jaffna Peninsula. Another civilian was wounded in the incident on Sunday, said a military spokesman. Guerrillas left the mines behind when they withdrew after the military captured the peninsula last month.

News item - five

An Australian swimmer completed a more than 100-mile crossing between Cuba and Florida on Monday, 24 hours after leaving Havana. The swimmer, Susie Maroney, 22, came ashore on a small sandy beach shortly after midday. It was her second attempt to cross the Florida Straits after having failed last year. She was the first person to complete the swim from Cuba to Florida.


I: John, when did you start playing tennis?

JP: At five. My father was the first to teach me.

I: I see. And when did you first take part in a competition?

JP: Oh, that was a long time ago. I was fourteen at the time.

I: You were one of the best English tennis players fifteen years ago. But people

still remember you.

JP: Yes. I won many medals at international competitions.

I: Which was your favourite match?

JP: Well, the match with George Phillips, an Australian tennis player nearly twenty

years ago. It lasted for more than three hours.

I: Who won the match?

JP: I did.

I: You were so successful that many people were surprised when you gave up

tennis at the age of 32.

JP: I believe so. But I was a bit tired of it all.

I: How come you didn't become a coach at least?

JP: Hmm...It's difficult to explain but I started my own sportswear business.

I: Two years later you married Ann Evans, didn't you?

JP: Yes, I decided to settle down in America and raise a family.

I: She was also a tennis player, wasn't she?

JP: Oh, no. We met at a tennis court but she was a journalist then. We now have

three children.

I: Do they play tennis?

JP: Of course, they play it a lot but tennis is not the most important thing in their

lives. None of them wants to become a professional tennis player.


PC: You have already been briefed about the attack. But, there is another important

thing. The treatment of prisoners of war.

SC: You mean the Geneva Convention, sir?

PC: Yes. We can expect some enemy soldiers to give themselves up.

SC: Of course, we mustn't kill those that are trying to surrender. We will take them


PC: Let's check some things. What information must a prisoner of war give you?

SC: His name, rank, army number and date of birth.

PC: That's right. He does not have to give you any other information about his unit,

its position, strength or weapons.

SC: And torture is out of the question.

PC: Naturally. What does the search of a prisoner of war include?

SC: We are to take from him anything that will help military intelligence.

PC: For example?

SC: Maps, notebooks, plans, orders, codes and so on.

PC: Right. You must also make sure to take from him anything that might help him to


SC: You mean a knife, compass or torch, don't you, sir?

PC: Certainly. On the other hand, he does not have to give you any personal

property, such as family photographs, letters, rings or watches.

SC: What happens if he is wounded or sick?

PC: Make sure he gets medical treatment as soon as possible. And, of course, all

prisoners of war must get sufficient food, shelter and rest.



My name's Charles Jones. I'm a Major in the British Army. I was born in Leeds in the north of England in 1969. I went to Manchester University to study Physics. I was interested in communication systems. So when I received my commission my first job was in the Signals Corps. My first important job was in command of a mobile Signals unit in the Gulf War in 1991 and then worked in a communications research institute in England. There I completed a Master of Philosophy degree in digital communication systems. I was posted to Germany for two years before going to staff college captain-to-major training. My experience in 1991 meant that I am now working in Iraq. My job involves the co-ordination of communications.

I am married to Jennie and I have two children. Outside my work my hobbies are sailing and teaching my sons to play football.


My name is Fiona Green. I was born in 1962 in Accra in Ghana, but I'm English. I went to St. Andrews University and studied English and Philosophy. My first job after university was as personal assistant to a businessman who had a video company. I left this company after two years and trained as a personnel manager in a hospital. I took and passed the examinations of the Institute of Secretaries and became Personnel Manager in a local Health Authority in London. Now I am the CEO for a Hospital Trust in the south of England. I am married to somebody who has his own computer software business. It is very convenient for me as he works from home. So he can look after our small daughter, Jasmine. I am very busy at work, but I like cooking, my family, my cats and watching action films.


My name is Vladimir Djukic. I was born in Novi Sad in 1970. I'm a lawyer. I went to the School of Law in Belgrade and graduated in 1997. I was interested in commercial and property law so my first job was in the legal department of a bank. I worked on loan agreements between the bank and various enterprises. The work was difficult, but I gained valuable experience. In 2000 I left the bank to take a post as Chief Legal Adviser to the Central European Investment Group. They began to operate in Serbia with local enterprises in joint ventures. I was successful and this I left CEI to start my own business as a legal consultant to international companies operating in the Balkans. I am married with three children, two girls and a boy. When I have time I enjoy fishing and hunting.


The Eurofighter Typhoon is a highly agile Air Superiority and Air-to-Surface aircraft. It has a multi-role/swing-role weapon system. This makes it the most capable front line fighter available.

It is a symbol of European co-operation with four European countries, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK responsible for its production.

Production is on a work share basis, according to the number of aircraft each country has ordered. It is carried out by the companies EADS, Alenia, Aeronautica and BAE SYSTEMS.

The Eurofighter Typhoon is now in full production. It began entry into service processes following Type Acceptance in June 2003. The four partner nations have ordered 620 aircraft. Austria has signed a contract for 18 aircraft, Greece has committed to 60 aircraft with an option for a further 30 aircraft. Singapore is in the process of selecting the Eurofighter and there are other opportunities for sales throughout the world.

The Eurofighter Typhoon is powered by 2 Eurojet power plants each with a maximum thrust of 90 kN. It has a maximum speed of 2.0 Mach and at low level it can reach Mach in 130 seconds. The length of the aircraft is 15.96 metres and wing span of 10.95 metres. Its basic mass is 11,000 kilograms.


It was a shock to hear an old neighbour of mine from Kabul giving an interview to the BBC recently. The senior Taliban commander, Mullah Dadullah, called for a jihad against what he called the slave and puppet regime of President Karzai. It was the first broadcast interview by a senior member of the Taliban since they lost power almost eighteen months ago. The Taliban, he said, were re- emerging. Like most of the Taliban senior command, Dadullah escaped the American attack and has been lying low. He was one of the movement's real hardliners. When I used to walk past his compound in Kabul, his fighters - small, undernourished-looking men - used to follow me with their eyes, jaws literally dropping as if they'd never seen a woman before. Dadullah was famous for his cunning in battle and his brutality, a man even other Taliban were wary of. And now, it seems, he's back in his old business.

Број теста 1/200../

0x08 graphic
Шифра кандидата



ТРАЈАЊЕ: 70 минута


Не отварајте тест док не добијете дозволу дежурног професора.

Упишите своју шифру на назначеном месту.

Треба да одговорите на сва питања.

Ако не умете да одговорите на неко питање, прескочите га и покушајте да га урадите касније.

Све одговоре морате да унесете у образац за одговоре.

Нећете имати додатно време намењено за пренос одговора у образац за одговоре.

Не смете износити испитни материјал из просторије за тестирање.


Тест садржи 30 задатака и подељен је на следећи начин:

0x08 graphic

1. ДЕО Задаци 1 - 5

2. ДЕО Задаци 6 - 10

3. ДЕО Задаци 11 - 15

4. ДЕО Задаци 16 - 20

5. ДЕО Задаци 21 - 25

6. ДЕО Задаци 26 - 30


PART ONE: Questions 1-5

Read the text below.

Match the paragraphs (numbers) with the topics (letters) in the table below. The statement (0) has been done for you as an example.

There are two extra topics. Do not use them.


A: Controlling the fear

B: The signs of fear

C: Fear and the idea of flying

D: How many don't fly

E: How many drink alcohol

F: Military personnel who suffer fear

G: A course to help with the fear

H: Sleeping on a flight









Read the text below.

Answer the questions in NOT MORE THAN THREE words.

The statement (0) has been done for you as an example.

The RAF operates the Sea King in its Search and Rescue (SAR) role. The big yellow helicopters are a familiar sight on television news programmes as they carry out rescue operations round the United Kingdom. To help in this role, the Sea King is fitted with advanced all-weather search and navigation equipment. A computer helps with positioning. In the hover, it can be 'flown' by the winch operator, who can position the rescue harness with great accuracy. The Sea King can carry 18 passengers and has a radius of action of 280 miles.

The sea King entered service in 1977. Its powerplant consists of two Rolls-Royce H1400-1 Gnome turbo shafts of 1,660shp. It is 17.01 m long and has a maximum speed of 230 km/h at sea level. It can carry a crew of four and up to 18 passengers. Its yellow colour is for high visibility.

(0) Where can you see the Sea King?

on television

(6) Where does it carry out operations?

(7) What helps with positioning?

(8) When did the Sea King enter service?

(9) How long is it?

(10) Why is it yellow?


Read about the people and their jobs.

Read the notices for the beginning of courses at a local college.

Match the people (numbers) with the right courses (letters).

The first one has been done as an example.

There are three extra letters. Do not use them.

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0x08 graphic









Read the text below.

Complete the table below with the information from the text IN NOT MORE THAN THREE words.

The statement (0) has been done for you as an example.

Rory joined the Royal Air Force at the age of 21. He had been in the Air Force for 18 years when he reached the rank of Lt Colonel. He loved flying especially at low level, which he found exciting. He also enjoyed being part of a team. His duties included flying Canberras and the Hawk jet. He also introduced management training into the RAF. This helps aircrew teamwork and making decisions in stressful situations.

In 2002, he decided on a career change and established a management development company with another pilot and a survival expert. They had no business experience, but they provided courses in motivation and development courses to many well-known companies in Britain. His company aims to help businesses get good results, overcome stress and work as a team. He and his partners all have military experience and they use their own experiences in creating training courses. Rory feels that the teamwork he learnt in the Royal Air Force has helped make his company a success. He does not think he could do the jobs that his clients do. However, his training courses test his clients in stressful situations and give them different answers to problems.

At the age of 21

(0) joined the RAF

At the age of 39


Planes he flew


Course he ran


Left the RAF in


Rory's co-managers


Their company helps people deal with



Read the following text.

Circle the BEST answer.

The statement (0) has been done for you as an example.

A Land without Fun

Aggressive claims lawyers out to make a killing could spell the end of playtime.

Experts estimate that Britains's burgeoning “compensation” culture is costing our education system some 200 million pounds a year.

And as a result, traditional games like conkers, British Bulldog and skipping could soon be gone forever.

Prince Phillip, writing in the Times Educational Supplement, bemoaned the “very understandable reluctance of schools and individual teachers to encourage any activity that might be seen as risky and therefore make them liable to litigation”.

(0) According to the text

  1. the cost of education is less time spent playing

  2. schoolchildren spend too much time playing sports

  3. 0x08 graphic
    schools get sued a lot for accidents that happen

  4. children engage more and more in dangerous games

(21) What Prince Phillip wrote can be summed up as

  1. it's a sad fact, but we have to accept it

  2. authorities should make playgrounds safer

  3. teachers should be much more careful

  4. parents aren't aware of the problem

As “get tough” on juvenile crime policies increasingly take hold in America, more and more adolescent offenders are being locked up and for longer periods of time. Contrary to what some people may expect, this trend may actually jeopardize public safety.

(22) Keeping teenagers in jail for a longer time

a) may ensure public safety

b) will help prevent crime

c) may endanger people's lives

d) will cause harm to their health

While adolescents have to be accountable and punished for what they do wrong, we need to provide services focused around strengthening family and peer group interactions, education, and vocation, as well as treatment, for example, drug and alcohol abuse counseling.

(23) The condition which is not helpful for treating young offenders is

a) having older friends

b) providing additional training

c) offering job opportunities

d) having family reunions

An Iowa preacher, Ames writes a loving letter, an account of his life, to his young son. In it, he shares his thoughts about Sunday mornings: “Sometimes I have loved the tranquility of an ordinary Sunday. It is like standing in a newly planted garden after a warm rain. You can feel the silent and invisible life. All it needs from you is that you take care not to trample on it.”

(24) For Ames, Sunday mornings are ideal for

a) writing letters to relatives

b) planting in a garden

c) being with children

d) enjoying a peaceful day

Two years after the fall of Saddam Hussein the independent Iraqi agency responsible for maintaining standards in public life has warned there is still massive corruption in most government ministries. Iraqi Prime Minister, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, has said security could be established within two years. Speaking after talks in London, he said progress on security would depend on other factors.

(25) The warning of massive corruption came from

  1. an independent agency

  2. the Iraqi Prime Minister

  3. a government ministry

  4. an anonymous tip


Read the following text.

Write T (true), F (false) or NG (not given) next to the statements below.

The statement (0) has been done for you as an example.

Police Chiefs face suspension over shooting of unarmed man

The Chief Constable and deputy chief constable of Sussex police are facing possible suspension over the death a year ago of an unarmed man during a police raid.

At a meeting yesterday, Sussex police Authority informally discussed the options for dealing with the force's top officers, following a highly critical report into their conduct after the violent death of James Ashley, aged 39.

James Ashley was shot dead in a flat in Hastings during an armed police raid in the early hours of the morning. He was in bed when police broke in, but on his feet when the gun was fired. No weapon was found in the flat.

At a press conference later that day, the Chief Constable said that Ashley had been thought to be dangerous and that he was satisfied his officers had acted correctly.

“We were running simultaneously an operation to track down drug traffickers and also two men who had attempted to murder a man by stabbing him outside the Cherries Bar in Hastings on January 7… One of them was thought be armed and dangerous, and an armed operation was used to arrest him,” he said.

It emerged that Mr. Ashley was the hero of the incident at the Cherries Bar, not the villain. He had pulled the assailant off his victim and probably saved the man's life. It also emerged that he had served two years in prison for manslaughter after a man died in a pub fight.

Eventually the five officers, including a superintendent and the police constable who pulled the trigger, were suspended.

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(0) James Ashley did not own a weapon. T

0x08 graphic
(26) James Ashley was killed by the Chief Constable of Sussex Police.

0x08 graphic
(27) James Ashley was shot whilst in bed.

(28) The police broke into the flat because they suspected James

0x08 graphic
Ashley had a gun there.

0x08 graphic
(29) After the fight in the Cherries Bar James Ashley went to prison.

0x08 graphic
(30) The Chief Constable of Sussex Police was suspended.

This is the end of the reading test.

Date .................................... Test number 1/200…

0x08 graphic

Candidate's code 2 6 7 8 4 3

0x08 graphic





became Lt Colonel




Canberras and Hawk jet




management training




pilot, survival expert




stressful situations


round the UK




a computer




In 1977




17.01 m




for high visibility























Marker's Initials

Reading Total

Број теста 1/200..

0x08 graphic
Шифра кандидата



ТРАЈАЊЕ: 60 минута


Не отварајте тест док не добијете дозволу дежурног професора.

Упишите своју шифру на назначеном месту.

Не смете износити испитни материјал из просторије за тестирање.


Тест садржи 2 задатка.

Морате да урадите оба задатка.

Недовољан број речи ће се негативно одразити на оцену.


Task 1

You want to enter a winter sports competition. Write a letter of application in 130-150 words. You are advised to spend 20 minutes on this task.

Write about:


Task 2

The Military Academy management is considering whether to apply the World Health Organisation's suggestion to introduce three days a week without TV.

Give reasons for and against this proposal and state your final decision. Write between 220-250 words.

You are advised to spend 40 minutes on this task.




(0) Tony is an accountant.

(11) John is a builder.

(12) Fred is computer programmer.

(13) Steve works in the local zoo.

(14) Andrew wants to be a driving instructor.

(15) Joanna works at a Gardening Centre.


Care of Flowers and Vegetables. Preventing Disease and providing proper conditions.


Digital Radio and Television maintenance and repair


Tourism Management - Basic Course Module


Beauty and Hairdressing: Make-Up Part 1


Construction Materials for Houses: Using Concrete


Biology for Animal Nurses and Keepers


Hardware protection: Building firewalls against internet viruses and Trojans


Transport Law for Driving Experts: The regulations governing private cars, heavy goods vehicles and public transport


Electronic book-keeping: a course for accountants and economists


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