


keep sth under one's hat

trzymać coś w tajemnicy

They tried to keep it under their hat but it soon became obvious that she is pregnant.

the other side of the coin

druga strona medalu

Fame has the other side of the coin as well.

make up one's mind

postanowić, zdecydować się

He finally made up his mind!

change a fly into an elephant

robić z igły widły

Gee! She doesn't have an evening dress?! It's just friends' party - why does she have to change a fly into an elephant!

easier said than done

łatwiej powiedzieć, niż zrobić

I know it's easier said than done but in my opinion you should challenge it.

on thin ice

na niepewnym gruncie

His rude answer put him on thin ice in the company.

hit the nail on the head

trafić w sedno

Right! Nothing to add! You've just hit the nail on the head!

it goes without saying

to oczywiste, nie ma dwóch zdań

Oh, Amy you should marry him! It goes without saying.

leave no stone unturned

poruszyć niebo i ziemię, zastosować wszystkie środki

I may need to leave no stone unturned but I will find this book!

put in jeopardy

narazić na niebiezpieczeństwo

As the Ambassador didn't want to put the staff in jeopardy, they were all dismissed and sent home.

cry for the moon

chcieć gwiazdki z nieba

Oh, come on! Be realistic! It's like crying for the moon! We cannot afford it.

promise wonders

obiecywać złote góry

She was very disappointed with the job. They promised wonders when they hired her but nothing came true...

self-made man

człowiek, który sam się dorobił, zrobił karierę

The idea of self-made man is one of the most important concepts in America.

read sb's hand

wróżyć z ręki

She wanted the Gypsy woman to read her hand and find out about her future.

shed blood

przelewać krew

Much blood was shed durning the war.

ups and downs

radości i smutki, zmienne koleje losu

Their relationship was full of ups and downs.

take sth for granted

przyjmować coś za rzecz oczywistą, naturalną

Never take love for granted. It has to be cherished to last.

put sb/be at a disadvantage

stawiać kogoś/być w niekorzystnej sytuacji

The fact that the company's office was moved to the different part of the town has put me at a disadvantage. Now I have to commute almost one hour to get there.

on the market

w sprzedaży, na rynku

At the moment this is the best camera on the market.

little by little


After the accident her strength returned little by little.

at sb's expense

1. na czyjś rachunek; 2. czyimś kosztem

The trip is at company's expense.
We are always making jokes at Mark's expense.

if you like

jeśli masz na to ochotę

- Shall we stop for a rest?
- Yes, if you like.

at all costs

za wszelką cenę

We must win at all costs.

at the top of your voice

na całe gardło

They are always discussing things at the top of their voices. It's so annoying.

burst out laughing

wybuchać śmiechem

The movie was so funny that finally even Susan burst out laughing.

catch sb red-handed

złapać kogoś na gorącym uczynku

The trial won't take long as the defendant was caught red-handed.

high and low


We've searched high and low for this book.

without fail


The postman always comes at 10 o'clock without fail.

with the naked eye

gołym okiem

Bacteria are too small to be seen with the naked eye.

with a vengeance

z podwójną siłą

After a week of good weather winter has returned with a vengeance today.

gnash your teeth

zgrzytać zębami

1. Hell is so terrible that those who go there will weep and gnash their teeth.
2. Mary gnashes her teeth in frustration.

be in the red

mieć debet (w banku)

It has been announced that the company will still be in the red for the rest of this year.

a bad patch

zła passa

Last season we hit a bad patch of form and suddenly we were out of the Champions League.

after your own heart

bratnia dusza

She loves books too - she's a woman after my own heart!

in haste

w pośpiechu

I'm writing in haste to let you know that I won't come on Friday.

inside out

1. na lewą stronę, 2. (znać) na wylot

He's a real computer freak - he knows them inside out.

make amends

wynagradzać szkodę/szkody

He went to him and begged his forgiveness, saying he would do anything he could to make amends.

ease sb's mind

uspokajać kogoś

The doctor tried to ease his mind about his daughter's illness.

a ray of hope

promyk nadziei

1. There is a ray of hope for humanity afterall.
2. Thank you so much for the ray of hope that shines in your message.

out of print

wyczerpany nakład książki

I'm sorry but the book you've ordered is out of print.

get on sb's nerves

działać (komuś) na nerwy

Turn that music down! It's getting on my nerves.

have something on the brain

chodzić komuś po głowie

Do you know this song? I've had it on my brain all day.

rat race

wyścig szczurów

After years in the rat race she's finally decided to quit and spend more time with her family.

get the message

załapać, zrozumieć coś

He finally got the message and left Mary and John alone together.

ask for trouble

prosić się o kłopoty

Not wearing a seat belt is just asking for trouble.

pay tribute to sb/sth

wyrażać (komuś) swoje uznanie, oddawać hołd

In 1992, a concert was held at Wembley Stadium to pay tribute to Freddie Mercury from Queen.

in bulk


If you buy in bulk, it's 20% cheaper.

give somebody a ring

zadzwonić do kogoś

I'll give you a ring in the evening.

all year round

przez cały rok

Most of the hotels are open all year round.

all of a sudden


All of a sudden the lights went out.

as a matter of fact

prawdę mówiąc, w rzeczywistości

As a matter of fact, I love him very much.

be quits (with somebody)

być kwita

You give me 10 zloty and we're quits.

by courtesy of

dzięki uprzejmości, za zgodą

These pictures are being shown by courtesy of CNN.

on location

(o programie, filmie) w plenerze

The series was filmed on location in Sweden.

go to waste

marnować się

I can't bear to see good food going to waste!

on impulse


When the weather is nice it's fun to go away on impulse.

trial and error

metoda prób i błędów

I found the answer by trial and error, which obviously took little more time.

snap one's fingers

pstrykać palcami

Music often inspires people to clap or snap their fingers.

let something slip

wygadać się

He let slip that he had been in prison.

heave a sigh

wzdychać (głęboko)

She heaved a sigh of relief when she heard the good news.

be under the illusion

łudzić się

I think Mark's under the illusion that he will be the new director.

not be sb's cup of tea

nie być w czyimś guście

In fact, horror films aren't my cup of tea.

make a fool of somebody/yourself

robić z kogoś/siebie głupka

Stop that before you make a fool of yourself!

a walk of life

sfera społeczna

He has friends from many different walks of life.

on your own initiative

z własnej inicjatywy

She realized that she had never
done anything on her own initiative without the motivation of someone else.

in vain

na próżno

1. The doctors tried to save the dying man but in vain.
2. How can you say that our soldiers died in vain?!

be rolling in money

mieć mnóstwo pieniędzy, spać na pieniądzach

They dream of the day when they'll be rolling in money.

in writing

na piśmie

Please confirm the offer in writing next week.

the lesser of two evils

mniejsze zło

Sometimes we have to choose between
the lesser of two evils.

come true

spełniać się

I wish my dreams would come true one day.

not have a clue

nie mieć pojęcia

I haven't a clue where she left her book.

change hands

przechodzić z rąk do rąk

The heavyweight title is about to change hands once again.

put pressure

wywierać presję

The press are putting pressure on the minister to resign.

for short

w zdrobnieniu

Her name's Diana or Di for short.

come in handy

przydawać się

Never throw away your notes - they may come in handy one day.

in black and white

na piśmie

This agreement is invalid, unless you bring it in black and white.

red tape


Because of all the red tape she didn't get her visa on time and had to cancel her holidays in Mexico.

commit a blunder

strzelić gafę

He committed a blunder asking Sue about her husband, while everybody knows that she is divorced.

plead guilty

przyznać się do winy

Having seen his face on security video-tape he couldn't use his alibi any longer and finally pleaded guilty.

red-letter day

szczególny dzień

Tomorrow is my red-letter day - I am getting promoted.

see pink elephants

widzieć białe myszki

Tim has a drinking problem. He drinks till he sees pink elephants.

a blue movie/film

film pornograficzny

Blue movies are rated X, which means that only people of 18 and over can watch them.

beat somebody black and blue

zbić kogoś na kwaśne jabłko

Tommy always threatens his little sister that he will beat her black and blue if she tells their parents about his marks at school.

nagging headache

uporczywy ból głowy

Jonathan is overworked. That's why he suffers from these nagging headaches so often.

nagging husband/wife

zrzędliwy mąż/żona

I have no idea how she can stand living with such a nagging husband as hers.

chew something over

przemyśleć coś

I can't give you the answer today. I simply need to chew it over.

dead-end relationship

beznadziejny związek

Mary is not happy with her marriage - actually, it is a dead-end relationship.

choose a soft option

pójść na łatwiznę

He gets on my nerves! Whenever there is something challenging, he always chooses a soft option.

go to somebody's head

uderzyć do głowy

Power and success went to his head - he no longer comes to our parties.

keep sth/sb at bay

trzymać na dystans, nie dopuszczać do siebie

He always tries to keep his troubles at bay when he is on holiday.

be left stranded

być zostawionym samemu sobie (z kłopotami), utknąć

That party was a disaster! Everybody was having fun and I was left stranded with that boring guy who sat next to me.

on one's own account

na własne ryzyko

Well, you can try to run your own business, but remember that it will be on your own account.

be at one's best

być w najlepszej formie

There is no doubt he is to win this race - he is at his best now!

be in the air

nierealne, niepewne

The initial plans to publish this book in May are quite in the air.

a bone of contention

przedmiot sporu, kość niezgody

The choice of place for holiday turned out to be a real bone of contention in their family this year.

ring the bell

brzmieć znajomo, kojarzyć się z czymś

I don't know where I might have met him, but the name rings the bell.

just in case

na wszelki wypadek

We still have plenty of time but let's take a taxi just in case.

have a narrow escape

cudem uniknąć czegoś, o mały włos

He had a narrow escape when he slipped on the stairs.

out of date

przestarzały, staroświecki

I don't like this design - it is absolutely out of date to me.

blind date

randka w ciemno

Sheila is so desperate in her search for a husband - she's decided to have a blind date!

a day off (to have/take/get)

mieć wolne

I think I am overworked - I certainly need a day off!

noughts and crosses

kółko i krzyżyk

Noughts and Crosses is a very popular game among students sitting on lectures.

call it a day

zakończyć coś, przerwać, fajrant

Why don't we call it a day and go home?

safe and sound

cały i zdrowy

To everybody's relief, he returned safe and sound from the storm.

at large

na wolności, na swobodzie

There are fewer and fewer exotic species living at large.

have a finger in every pie

wtrącać się we wszystko

I can't stand her any longer! She has to have a finger in every pie! Can't she just mind her own business?

at first sight

na pierwszy rzut oka

At first sight he seems to be a very competent person.

put one's foot down

sprzeciwić się

My boss wanted me to work on weekends but I was brave enough to put my foot down.

be in force


Don't worry about that - that rule is no longer in force in our office.

make a fuss about sth

robić zamieszanie z jakiegoś powodu

Gosh! It is just a broken glass. Don't make a fuss about it.

be a wet blanket

psuć nastrój

Please somebody make Jane change the subject! With her stories from her childhood, she can be a real wet blanket.

learn sth by heart

nauczyć się na pamięć

There is no rule why these words collocate, you just need to learn them by heart.

by all means

wszelkimi sposobami, za wszelka cenę

By all means this guy should work for us - he is the best specialist I have ever seen!

once and for all

raz na zawsze

I tell you once and for all - I am tired of your complaining about your job! There is nothing else you can do.

be out of order

nie działać

I am sorry but this telephone is out of order. You have to go round the corner.

for the sake of

dla czegoś/kogoś

I know that this treatment is unpleasant but you should try it for the sake of your health.

take a shortcut

pojść na skróty

I wouldn't rely on him - he always thinks how to take shortcuts in everything he does.

pull somebody's leg

nabierać, drażnić się

Mary had me fooled for a while, but finally I realized she was just pulling my leg.

beat about/around the bush

owijać w bawełnę, unikać przejścia do sedna sprawy

Stop beating about the bush and tell me what the problem is!

sell like hot cakes

sprzedawac sie bardzo szybko

The album of this new Irish rock group sells like hot cakes - people ask for it everyday.

go for a song

sprzedać bardzo tanio

This car went for a song - the owner was leaving the country and wanted a quick sale.

a gap year

rok przerwy pomiędzy szkołą średnią a studiami podczas którego podróżuje się i zdobywa doświadczenie

I'm considering taking a gap year, to develop myself and increase my self-confidence

get up on the wrong side of the bed

wstać lewą nogą

You'd better avoid Mark today - he got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

whistle in the dark

dodawać sobie odwagi

Totally alone in this big house we joked about nightmares, whistling in the dark perhaps.

a cold fish

ktoś niewrażliwy

He's such a cold fish - you can never see any emotions on his face.

a drop in the ocean

kropla w morzu

We're grateful for your help although it's just a a drop in the ocean of our needs.

pop the question

oświadczyć się

After seven years of dating, I finally popped the question to my girlfriend.

chicken out


I wanted to ask Mary out but I chickened out at the last moment.

on cloud nine

bardzo szczęśliwy, w siódmym niebie

She has been on cloud nine since she was promoted.

at heart

w głębi duszy

She said she trusted him but at heart she knew he was lying.

at random


The burglar didn't have any plan - he just entered the shop and grabbed things at random.

at short notice

w ostatniej chwili, bezzwłocznie

I'm so sorry I ask you for help at such short notice but I didn't realize this project would be so demanding.

have sth at one's fingertips

mieć coś w małym palcu

You can always go and ask Tom of anything concerned with maths, he just has it at his fingertips.

at the eleventh hour

w ostatniej chwili

We were so nervous that he would miss the train but he, as usual, arrived to the railway station at the eleventh hour.

shoot the breeze


She can sit with her friend for hours doing nothing but shooting the breeze!

by all means


By all means we will try to answer any questions, so feel free to ask.

for the time being

na razie

That is all what we can offer for the time being but the service is still developing.

in a month of Sundays

na "święty nigdy", nigdy w życiu

He will never bring you these CDs, not even in a month of Sundays - just forget it.

in bad taste

w złym guście

Their house is decorated in such bad taste - where did they get the idea of buying these mock rococo chairs to the living room?

be in two minds about sth

być w rozterce, wahać się

Well, I don't know. I am still in two minds about buying this car. It's second-hand you know...

be on the air

być na antenie

Quiet everybody! Three, two, one ... You are on the air!

go off the air

zejść z anteny

This program was very popular so the information that it went off the air caused a wave of protest.

out of stock

nie być dostępnym w sprzedaży

I'm so sorry but this camera is out of stock now. Can I propose a different model within the same price?

throw somebody in at the deep end

rzucić kogoś na głęboką wodę

You want to learn Spanish? There's no better way than to throw yourself in at the deep end - go to Spain.

be worlds apart

bardzo się różnić

I really like this book but I guess it is worlds apart from what the real situation is.

the tip of the iceberg

wierzchołek góry lodowej

The problems we've already experienced are just the tip of the iceberg, I'm afraid.

come what may

niech się dzieje co chce

I don't care that he is going to be there with his new girlfriend! I will be at the party tonight come what may.

first and foremost

nade wszystko

We need peace and stability first and foremost - these are the most important

come to terms with sth

pogodzić się z czymś

She can't come to terms with the fact that she was fired for being late all the time.

for all the tea in China

za nic na świecie

Oh, come on! I am not going to ask him such question! Not for all the tea in China!

Boxing Day

w Anglii - drugi dzień Świąt Bożego Narodzenia

Boxing Day - the day after Christmas, which is a public holiday in the UK, or the first Monday after Christmas if Christmas is on Friday or Saturday. It is called 'Boxing Day' because traditionally it was the day when servants were given a 'Christmas box'

to paint the town red

świetnie się bawić (zwykle chodząc od baru do baru)

Let's paint the town red, boys! That was a difficult test and we all did well. We need to celebrate it.

to put sb's back up

denerwować, drażnić

The way he discussed things with her really put her back up.

to call a spade a spade

nazywać rzeczy po imieniu

Stop moaning that that you don't like the idea! Just go to your boss and call a spade a spade!

to put the brakes on

przestać coś robić

I think we will have to put the brakes on spending so much money on leisure activities.

with bated breath

ze wstrzymanym oddechem

They waited for the news with bated breath.

square meal

porządny, solidny posiłek

No wonder you feel sick! All you've been eating recently are those instant soups! Get yourself one square meal a day and you will be fine.



You can't insist on having that your way. There must be some sort of give-and-take.

put sb through hell

zrobić komuś piekło na ziemi, spowodować cierpienie

Our boss put us through hell before he admitted that actually it wasn't our fault that we had failed with the deadline.

to give sb five

przybić piątkę

That was great! Give me five!

to hold water

być sensownym, dać się udowodnić (pozytywnie)

This theory was easy to abolish - the arguments simply didn't hold water.

hush money


Many politicians are believed to accept hush money.

to eat sb's words

odszczekać coś, przyznać się do błędu

The President went too far. I think that public opinion will force him to eat his words.

in sb's birthday suit


He was a very controversial figure - he happened to appear on stage in his birthday suit.

to take the floor

przemawiać, zabrać głos w dyskusji

We know the opinion of the prosecutor. Let the defence take the floor now.

spitting image of sb

uderzająco podobny do kogoś

Believe it or not but he is the spitting image of Dan Ackroyd.

budding scientist

obiecujący naukowiec

The Academy authorities think he is a budding scientist so he is pampered with grants and scholarships.

at the crack of dawn

o brzasku, o świcie

We have to set off at the crack of dawn tomorrow - it gets scorching hot during the day and travelling then is not possible.

to know sth like the back of sb's hand

znać jak własną kieszeń

I can be your guide in this city - I grew up here so I know the place like the back of my hand.

to be as sober as a judge

zupełnie trzeźwy, trzeźwy jak świnia

You may not believe me but I know what I saw - I was sober as a judge when it happened.

to stick sb's neck out

narażać się, podejmować ryzyko

Jack says he is not a coward, he just doesn't like to stick his neck out if it isn't absolutely necessary.


zabawa w chowanego

Let's play hide-and-seek! I'm seeking first...

to fly off the handle

wyjść z siebie, wściec się

I swear - one more remark like this and I will fly off the handle!

to labour the point

rozwodzić się nad czymś, wałkować coś

Don't even bother asking him! He will labour the point for ages, and I think you need the answer pretty fast.

a big noise

wielka szycha

This guy is said to be a big noise in drug trafficking. The police have been after him for a long time.

to be after sb's own heart

o podobnych poglądach, upodobaniach

This guy is after my own heart - I think it is worth making friends with him.

to burn rubber

wciskać gaz do dechy, palić gumy

He has got another ticket! He simply can't drive if he doesn't burn rubber!

(not) give a toss

nie obchodzić, nie interesować (w przeczeniach)

I don't give a toss that you are tired. You are supposed to finish it today! (nic mnie nie obchodzi, że...)

take a hike!


He got so annoying that finally I told him to take a hike.

Stand and deliver!

pieniądze albo życie!

'I said - stand and deliver or the devil he may take ya!'
(Metallica "Whiskey in the Jar")

to be at one's wits' end

odchodzić od zmysłów

She was at her wits' end when she learnt that the avalanche was in the area where her kids usually went skiing.

easy come easy go

łatwo przyszło, łatwo poszło

I've lost the money you gave me last week - well, easy come easy go.

to keep sb's fingers crossed

trzymać kciuki

Good luck! I will keep my fingers crossed.

without a shadow of a doubt

bez cienia wątpliwości

I can guarantee that - without a shadow of a doubt this car is the best in its class on the market.

it's a foregone conclusion

to jest z góry przesądzone

Who was to win this match was a foregone conclusion. The team is the national representation after all...

get straight to the point

przejść do sedna

Carol! Could you just get straight to the point? You want to borrow some money, right?

to stab sb in the back

wbić komuś nóż w plecy

I thought I can trust him! And he went to the head office and told them everything - he stabbed me in the back!

dead easy

dziecinnie proste

Listen! Reported Speech is dead easy - I can explain it to you if you want...

a tough nut to crack

twardy orzech do zgryzienia

This project turned out to be a tough nut to crack.

it isn't up to scratch

poniżej oczekiwań, niewystarczająco dobry

He rejected this market analysis. He said it wasn't up to scratch.

to be killing sb

dobijać, dawać się we znaki

I had my first horse - riding lesson yesterday and today my back is killing me...

to be back on one's feet

pozbierać się po chorobie, stanąć na nogi

He took a doctor's leave for a week, but he's back on his feet now.

in the middle of nowhere

w szczerym polu

Tom didn't take the map with him so after several hours of going in circles we ended up in the middle of nowhere.

off the beaten track

na odludziu, poza 'utartym szlakiem'

His cottage is off the beaten track, so you may need explicit instructions how to get there.

to pick sb's brains

zasięgnąć rady (kogoś kto się na tym zna), skonsultować coś

Terry, I need to pick your brains about the computer software - I've heard you are an expert.

(to be) a bit rusty

'przykurzony' (o umiejętnościach, znajomości np. języka itp.)

My apologies if my Spanish is a bit rusty, I hope you understand the intention of the message.

to brush up

'odkurzyć', podszlifować (umiejętności, jezyk itp.)

My French has got a bit rusty, I'm afraid. I will need to brush it up before the holidays.

to get the hang of sth

'zaczaić' coś, załapać (jak coś działa, lub na czym polega)

And then, as I finally got the hang of this new system, everything turned out to be so easy.

to have a clue

mieć o czymś pojęcie

This new secretary is cute and really tries to do her best but, honestly speaking, she doesn't seem to have a clue what it is all about.

to have sth on the tip of sb's tongue

mieć coś na końcu języka

Gosh! I had the answer on the tip of my tongue but of course it wasn't enough to pass the exam...

to slip sb's mind

zapomnieć czegoś, wylecieć z pamięci

I felt so terrible when I bought her these roses... It slipped my mind that she is allergic to them!

a slip of the tongue


It was just a slip of the tongue but in politics it may cost you your career.

to shoot oneself in the foot

strzał w stopę (samobój)

He shot himself in the foot when he decided to cut on public spending - he lost the support immediately.

to rock the boat

szkodzić np. firmie, w której samemu się pracuje

I don't know what he is up to but he rocks the boat! Somebody should tell him it will do him no good.

to miss the point

nie zrozumieć czegoś, spudłować

Well, I don't know what to think about him - he seems to be quite clever but his last speech proved that he missed the whole point of this campaign.


popis, mający na celu zdobycie poklasku

Don't worry. We still have the chance. His lawyer's defence speech was nothing more but a rhetorical show-off.

to rip sb off

'zedrzeć z kogoś' (cenowo)

Don't go to that hairdresser over there. It's nothing special but they will rip you off!

to be loaded

być nadzianym

Look at the car he is driving! This guy has to be pretty loaded...

a backseat driver

pasażer bez przerwy pouczający kierowcę samochodu

I hated travelling with my parents - my dad took it patiently but, to tell the truth, my mum was a terrible backseat driver.

a slowcoach


Jimmy! Hurry up, please! You're such a slowcoach! Can't you move faster?

to read sth from cover to cover

przeczytać coś od deski do deski

This novel was so thrilling that I simply read it from cover to cover during one night!

It's a must

to konieczność (koniecznie trzeba zobaczyć, przeczytać, etc)

This movie is a must! It's a breakthrough in Hollywood business.

a cutting/biting remark

cięta, złośliwa uwaga

Finally, I was fed up with his biting remarks about my size and I left him.

the root of the problem

źródło problemu

The root of the problem is that they don't learn enough to pass this exam.

a man of few words

ktoś małomówny

Michael is a man of few words, but when he speaks, people listen.

to keep one's nose to the grindstone

pracować bez wytchnienia

Just try to keep your nose to the grindstone and you'll certainly pass the final exam.

hands are tied

mieć związane ręce, nie móc nic zrobić

I would really like to help you but my hands are tied... I have to wait for Mark's decision.

a sharp tongue

cięty język

I like her, but sometimes her sharp tongue irritates me so much.

the first pancake is always spoiled

pierwsze koty za płoty

Don't worry! The first pancake is always spoiled. Just try again.

let sleeping dogs lie

nie wywołuj wilka z lasu

Just don't tell her that he's back in town. I suppose it's better to let sleeping dogs lie.

in good faith

w dobrej wierze

The information is provided in good faith, however we accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the information.

have your cake and eat it

wilk syty i owca cała; mieć ciastko i zjeść ciastko

You can't have your cake and eat it. If you want high quality you have to pay for it.

give sb their due

oddawać komuś sprawiedliwość

Mike's not very talkative , but to give him his due, you can always count on him.

poke/stick your nose into sth

wtykać nos w

She's always poking her nose into other people's business.

in the interim


I'll be back in few minutes. In the interim please read the extract from the novel.

to whet sb's appetite

zaostrzać apetyt

The trip was marvellous. We had a great time and the whole experience whetted our appetite for more.

(with your) hands down

z palcem w nosie, z łatwością

Don't stay up all night, his tests are so easy you'll pass them with your hands down.

to keep sb's ear to the ground

dowiadywać sie co w trawie piszczy

I have no idea what they are up to, but I will keep my ear to the ground. Once I learn what they plan, I'll let you know.

hindsight is always 20-20

mądry Polak po szkodzie

Now I know I should have stayed in that job, but hindsight is always 20-20 - I couldn't have known it when I was leaving.

steer away from

trzymać się z daleka

If I were you I would steer away from this guy. He is a womaniser - don't waste your time with him.

off your own bat

z własnej inicjatywy

Don't say I told you to do it, you did it off your own bat and I had nothing to do with it.

as dull as ditchwater

nudny jak flaki z olejem

The guy I'm going to the wedding with is nice enough, but as dull as ditchwater. I had better take my walkman...

good riddance (to bad rubbish)

baba z wozu, koniom lżej

So, I hear Rupert has left you? Well, good riddance: he gave you nothing but trouble anyway.

to have mixed feelings

mieć mieszane uczucia

I have mixed feelings about Mark. I like him but I think he has some dark secrets.

to pluck up courage

zbierać się na odwagę

After few days Mike decided to pluck up courage and ask Helen out.

to save something for a rainy day

odkładać coś na czarną godzinę

Don't spend all your money just like that! You'd better save some for a rainy day.

to have a sweet tooth

lubić słodycze

Kelly has a sweet tooth. She can eat candies and chocolates all day long.

last but not least

rzecz równie ważna (mimo, że wymieniona na końcu)

And last but not least, I would like to thank my parents for all the support they give me.

to muddy the waters

zaciemniać obraz

For some reason they want to muddy the waters. I think their business is not quite legal...

a sitting duck

łatwy cel

Old people who walk after dark in the dimly lit streets are sitting ducks.

to work for peanuts

pracować za marne grosze

Sarah says she doesn't mind working for peanuts as long as she can see that her work is appreciated.

to hold the guns

mieć wszystkie atuty w ręku

Well, it's hard to come up with any reasonable argument in this discussion if he holds the guns.

the cupboard is bare

kasa jest pusta

I would love to go with you sailing but this month the cupboard is bare.

loony bin

psychiatryk, wariatkowo

Gee... Sometimes when I listen to her opinions I can't help thinking that she qualifies for some loony bin...

to chase the dragon

palić opium lub heroinę

When the police entered the abandoned factory hall, they found a dozen of young people chasing the dragon there.

to hit the jackpot

wygrać los na loterii, zgarnąć całą pulę

'How does it come that he can afford such a car if he works at a construction site!? He must have hit the jackpot or something!'

gallows humour

wisielczy humor

The 'Pythons' are famous for their gallows humour.

gold rush

gorączka złota

The most famous gold rush was The California Gold Rush that began in 1848.

the end justifies the means

cel uświęca środki

Many people strongly oppose the machiavellian approach that the end justifies the means.

to be down in the dumps

mieć depresję, 'doła'

Well, you can try to ask her out but she is down in the dumps and I can't promise that she will answer the phone first of all...

keep a straight face

zachowywać powagę, nie wybuchać śmiechem

Toby can't tell jokes. He never keeps a straight face and starts laughing right before the punch line.

When hell freezes over!

prędzej kaktus mi tu wyrośnie!

No way! Next time I'll talk to her is when hell freezes over!

pretty penny

niezła sumka

He hit the jackpot and quite unexpectedly got pretty penny on his bank account.

to play ducks and drakes

puszczać kaczki na wodzie

'It's incredible! I can't find any single pebble here!'
'Oh, probably some kids were playing ducks and drakes here and they threw them all to water.'

to sling mud at sb

obrzucić kogoś błotem

This presidential campaign was nothing more than mud slinging.

time please!

zamykamy! (in a pub)

Time please! These were the last drinks. Please come back tomorrow.

from the bottom of one's heart

z głębi serca

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help.

a flash in the pan

słomiany zapał; fiasko; klapa

He wants to learn foreign languages, but it may be only a flash in the pan.

of one's own accord

z własnej woli, inicjatywy

I didn't ask him to clean up my car - he did it of his own accord.

to be well off

być dobrze sytuowanym, bogatym

I think they must be well off - judging from their house and the car in the backyard...

to stand a chance

mieć widoki na powodzenie

I'd apply for this job if I were you, I think you stand a chance.

have an eye for/on the main chance

myśleć o własnej korzyści; mieć własny interes na uwadze

Jerry doesn't bother about other people and only has an eye on the main chance.

to mind one's own business

pilnować własnego nosa, interesu

Why don't you stop criticizing me?! Mind your own business!

to be in the know

być wtajemniczonym w coś

I should ask Roger; he's the boss and he's in the know.

to repay in kind

odpłacić, odwdzięczyć się

If you help a neighbour, he may repay in kind.

in fits and starts

nierówno, nieregularnie, sporadycznie, zrywami

He isn't very persevering; he only works in fits and starts.

to break the news to sb

zakomunikować komuś przykrą wiadomość

I had the unpleasant duty of breaking the news of John's death to his wife.

to have one's heart in one's mouth

mieć duszę na ramieniu; drżeć ze strachu

When I think of my exam tomorrow, I have my heart in my mouth.

to lose heart

stracić wiarę w coś

Don't lose heart because you cannot solve the problem straight away.

to have one's heart in the right place

mieć dobre serce

He has not a very pleasant manner, but his heart is in the right place.

faint heart never won fair lady

do odważnych świat należy

It's high time we made a decision! C'mon, faint heart never won fair lady.

to land/fall on one's feet

spaść na cztery łapy

Jim is a type of a guy that, no matter what, seems to land on his feet.

my lips are sealed

nie pisnę ani słowa

I won't tell anyone you love Henrietta. My lips are sealed.

bite/snap sb's head off


I only asked if I could borrow the book. There's no need to bite my head off!

to one's heart's content

ile dusza zapragnie

There's a new restaurant on the corner. For just $10 you can eat to your heart's content.

have one foot in the grave

być jedną nogą w grobie

You know this old lady that lives on second floor? She has one foot in the grave but still behaves as if she were 20. ;-)

Every cloud has a silver lining.

nie ma tego złego, co by na dobre nie wyszło

Oswald was very depressed after being fired but he found another job in just few days. Well, every cloud has a silver lining.

the grass is greener on the other side of the fence

wszędzie dobrze gdzie nas nie ma

When you look at other homes, the grass is often greener on the other side of the fence.

to get cold feet

stchórzyć, rozmyślić się

They'll be married next week; if Chester doesn't get cold feet.

a golden handshake

duża odprawa

Ms. Robinson retired early because her company offered her a golden handshake.

figure of speech

przenośnia; zwrot, wyrażenie retoryczne

When I said it was a battle to the death it was just a figure of speech.

an early bird

ranny ptaszek

My father is an early bird, he gets up at 5.30 every day.

the black sheep (of the family)

czarna owca (w rodzinie)

Everybody says he's the black sheep of the family - he left home when he was 17 and became a singer.

green with envy

zielony z zazdrości

When they see my new boyfriend, all the girls will turn green with envy.

leap year

rok przestępny

Year 2004 is a leap year, with 29 days in February.

agony column

"napisz do Kasi", kolumna z poradami dla czytelników

I just love to read the agony column in teenage magazines. Their problems are sometimes so weird.

white lie

niewinne kłamstewko

White lies are sometimes inevitable in order to protect other people's feelings.

Fort Knox

bank rezerw federalnych, przenośnie: bardzo dobrze strzeżone miejsce

My house is now like Fort Knox but I had to do it - I was burgled three times last month.

to see red

wściec się

When Chris told me he'd crashed my car, I just saw red.

the Big Apple

New York City

I'm planning to visit the Big Apple this year.

to take the floor

zabrać głos

The Prime Minister will take the floor in budget discussion on Wednesday.

to frame / to be framed

wrabiać kogoś

"Who Framed Roger Rabbit" is my favourite movie from the nineties.

excuse my French

sorry za słówka

I really wanted to provide the pronunciation to this fucking word "ophthalmologist" but it turned out to be impossible, excuse my French.

greasy spoon

speluna z tanim żarciem

I'm broke, today we have to eat at this greasy spoon at the corner.

to get on like a house on fire

świetnie sie dogadywać

Tom and Jerry get on like a house on fire. They've been friends for years.

to play truant

chodzić na wagary

More and more children are caught playing truant.

make oneself at home

rozgościć się

Frank! So many years! Come in and make yourself at home. Something to drink?

to get hot under the collar

dostać piany, wściec się

When he saw his girlfriend winking at the guy sitting next to her, he simply got hot under the collar.

to turn a blind eye

przymknąć na coś oko; udawać, że się nie widzi czegoś

The farmer knew that the boys from the neighbourhood stole his apples but he simply turned a blind eye to it.

a babe in the woods

bezradny jak dziecko

When it comes to dealing with computers, he's a babe in the woods. He definitely needs someone to help.

a shot in the dark

strzał w ciemno, na chybił trafił

It was just a shot in the dark. I don't know what the correct answer is.

to add fuel to the fire/flames

dolewać oliwy do ognia

Michael is furious at me. Telling him that I took his book will only add fuel to the fire.

couch potato

ktoś, kto preferuje siedzący tryb życia - cały dzień siedzi na kanapie, je chipsy i ogląda telewizję ;-)

Our 9-year-old son is a real couch potato who wants to spend all his free time watching television.

over the counter

bez recepty

I'm afraid you can't buy this medicine over the counter, you must have a prescription.

to kill two birds with one stone

upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu

By enrolling her son in a hobby class Mary has killed two birds with one stone. Not only is he learning something useful but he is also watching less TV.

to kill somebody with kindness

zagłaskać kota na śmierć

My husband is killing me with kindness. Sometimes I just need to be left alone and he wants to spend all day with me.

be on the crest of a wave

przeżywać dobry, pomyślny okres; być "na fali"

The Rasmus are currently on the crest of a wave, they are extremely popular among teenagers.

to run errands

robić, załatwiać sprawunki

I have to run errands for my parents after my school.

to toe the line

podporządkować się

Two members have been expelled from the party as they didn't toe the party line in voting.

to play something by ear

robić coś spontanicznie, improwizować

If our plan fails, we can always play it by ear. It might work.

to be into something

być czymś zainteresowany, lubić coś

Don't ask me about Manga - I am not into it at all.

to go over with a fine-tooth comb

przeczesać coś

She went over her boyfriend's stuff with a fine-tooth comb just to make sure he does not date anybody else.

make oneself scarce

zmyć sie po cichu

The atmosphere in the room was getting more and more tense, so I made myself scarce on the first possible occasion.

be in the pay of sb

być na usługach kogoś (tajnych)

Hmmm... I have the impression that some data have been leaking from the company since Hans was employed here... Do you think he may be in the pay of our competitor?

a slap in the face


It was a real slap in the face when she didn't answer my phone calls.

to call sb names

wyzywać kogoś

He called her names when she refused to date him, which only proved that it was actually a right decision...

that's my funeral

to mój problem, nic ci do tego

'You eat too much! You will put on weight!'
'That's my funeral...'

on horseback


Travelling on horseback took days and one could never be sure that they would reach their destination.

to be not much of a ...

nie za dobry ...

Ugh! She is not much of a singer, I'm afraid.

leg it


What are you waiting for?! Leg it to the nearest newsagent's and buy this issue - there is an article about your uncle Tim!

the grapevine

poczta pantoflowa

I heard on/through the grapevine that you are moving to Warsaw, is that true?

to serve him/her right

dobrze (jemu/jej) tak!

Frank's girlfriend has left him?! Serves him right! He behaved like a shmuck!

to go up in smoke

spełznąć na niczym

We wanted to visit my friends that weekend but it turned out that Terry had to work on Saturday and our plans simply went up in smoke.

Get stuffed!

wypchaj się!

I tried to be nice to him but finally he went too far! I simply told him to get stuffed...

to bury the hatchet

zakopać topór wojenny

Of course this old quarrel is long forgotten! Why don't Kate and Mike bury the hatchet at last?

to pick up the pieces

naprawić coś, uporządkować

After the fire in the factory, it took weeks to pick up the pieces and get production back to normal again.

to throw the book at someone

udzielić komuś reprymendy

My boss threw the book at me for not correcting the report properly.

a vicious circle

błędne koło

He thinks he is a failure so he drinks. The more he drinks the more he fails. It's a vicious circle.

to take one's time

nie śpieszyć się, robić coś powoli

We don't need these articles to be translated tomorrow, so relax, take your time and submit them next week.

to have the last word

mieć ostatnie słowo

My father always likes to have the last word in any discussion.

to take something into account

wziąć coś pod uwagę

Remember to take his age into account when deciding what kind of work to give him.

a blue-eyed boy


Tom was always jealous of his younger brother because he knew Jack was their mother's blue-eyed boy.

to be in the pink

być zdrowym

My sister is finally back in the pink after having a bad cold for two weeks.

for a change

dla odmiany

She always seemed rather serious so it was nice to see her laugh for a change.

not my scene

nie moja "działka"

I don't like heavy metal music. It's not my scene.

to fall for someone

zakochać się

Julie goes to this pub every night because she has fallen for its barman.

to kill time

zabić czas

I only read magazines in doctors' waiting rooms to kill time.

to have a heart of gold

mieć złote serce

Mr Brown has a old


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