"Debbie VlgulO de!ves Into murder and mayhom with a splrituat soltlng In o unlque way. glvlng her story the gentle twist of romantic intriguo that lotwcs you wantlng more.“ —Fresłi F/crion Reviews

“Unmistakabty cxcetling in the art of developlng qulrky yet lovab!e charactors, Viguló vlrtually palnts a plcturo In your mlnd of thls out-of-the-ordinary crime-solving duo."

—Suspensę Magazlne



t's Thanksgiving and Joseph Tyler, one of the memhers of Cindy‘s church. has organizcd a ncw charity that providcs homcless people with rescue dogs lo lovc and care for. But one by one. the homcless rccipicnts arc bcing murdcred and thcir dogs stolon. Could an overly competitive millionaire with his prize winning pooches and a grudgc be bchind the crimcs? Or could it be someonc much doscr to Joseph who has somcthing sinister to hidc? C.indy and Jcremiah team up to find a killcr bcfore hc strikes again.

OEBBte VIGUlE-S lovc for wntliłg brought Nor from wortung as a church socrctary to a successful corcer wnting supcrnatural fic-bon Mer tttst book of The Psalm 23 Myster.es Senes, Pie Lord li My Shcohorct roleawd Morch of 2010. She has a*to wntten MKł-rught Prar/s. Scwkt Mcoo, Cfutrmed: P>ed Piptf. and the young adult Sweet Soasons senes. Sho >s coauthor of the York Tlmct bestscllmg Wtckod boofc senes. Dcbb.o groduatod from the Uni-versity of CaMorma »t D*vis. wh*re she majonid In cre#tive wnting o od English. Sho and hor husborsd. Scott live In Ronda

Abingdon Press

www.3bmgdonpress.com cm«i    Mwn Prw


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