034 (18)

034 (18)

legends (n): old stories, usually untrue

1 d 2 f


e 4 b


c 6 a

1 to 2 on


in 4 to


on 6 off

1 cruise





2 voyage





3 trip



Czytanie (pp. 80-81)

1 Suggested Answers

I read an article about Madagascar once in a travel magazine. i remember it said that Madagascar was an island off the coast of Kenya in East Africa. It has been called the Spice Island because it is a major supplier of spices to the rest of the world, including cloves. It is also famous for the ring-tailed lemur, an adorable animal with a long black and white ringed taił, which can't be found anywhere else in the world.

I imagine it's called the 'land that time forgot' because it's in an out-of-the-way location and hasn't yet caught up with the modern world.



... a must-see for naturę lovers and even




... early separation from the African continent



... many legends ... one stoiy goes that...



... heading down south ...

3 1 Its variety of wildlife.

2    Masoala marinę park./Andohahela National Reserve

3    It has a strange upside down shape. You can see it in the Andohahela National Reserve.

4    A marinę park in the Masoala region

5    To recommend Madagascar to visitors

4 scenery (n): landscape

evolutionary (adj): relating to a process of development species (n): class (of plant or animal) abundant (adj): plentiful

biodiversity (n): wide variety of plant and animal life

diverse array (adj phr): wide variety

subspecies (n): group of similar plants or animals which

is smaller than a species

marinę (adj): of the sea

pristine (adj): extremely clean

towering (adj): extremely tali

heading (v): going towords a place

upside down (adj): turned round so that the lowest

and highest parts swap positions

given rise to (phr): caused

8    Suggested Answers

I would love to visit Madagascar. I would expect to see lots of exotic flora and fauna and be thrilled by a very beautiful natural landscape. I would definitely hope to go swimming and scuba diving as well as doing some sight-seeing in some of the historical sites, especially the World Heritage Site of the Royal Pałace. I'd also be curious to try the local cuisine to see if I liked it. I would certainiy feel very lucky to have the opportunity to visit such a faraway, exotic place. I really do hope I can go there someday!

9    Suggested Answer

It is estimated that Madagascar was first settled by people coming in canoes from Borneo some time between 500 and 200 BC. For centuries, they farmed the land but the country's written history did not begin until the 7th century AD, when Arabs started setting up trading posts there. The first European contact the island had was in 1500 AD with the arrivai of the Portuguese sailor, Diogo Dias. In the late 17th century, the French also became interested in setting up trade routes. Although there was a Kingdom of Madagascar, at its height in the early 19th century, it collapsed when the French invaded in 1883 and colonised the island. Madagascar did not obtain its format independence from French rule until 1960. Today, the country has a population of approximately 22 million and both French and Malagasy are spoken there.

Słuchanie i mówienie (p. 81)

10    1 A    2 C 3 E    4 B

11    What sights would you recommend?

The castle is always worth a visit.

Don't miss the Sunday market.

What's Edinburgh like at this time of year?

Can I get there without a car?

12    Suggested Answer

A: Good morning. Flow can I help you?

B: Oh, hello. I'm staying in Edinburgh for a week and I was wondering what sights you recommend? I really just want to know what the main attractions are. I hear that Edinburgh Castle is a must.

A: Certainiy. Welcome to Edinburgh - l'm surę you'11 have a lovely stay. Of course, the castle is always worth a ml You can see the źcottfsh Crown lewek there as well as getting a magnificent view of the city.

B: Yes, well, I am interested in indoor attractions as l've heard the weather can be unreliable. Do you think this rain will keep up?

A: Impossible to say, l'm afraid. They say the forecast is for sunshine tomorrow but you can never be surę.


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