Chapter 4, p. 4
1. Prepare cjpan copy
It shouldn't have to be sald. but your copy should be clean and easy to read. Clean copy cuts down on the number of errors and cuts typesettlng costm. Ask typesetters for thelr pet horror storles about dlrty or illegible copy.
Type all copy double or trlple space. Indent,all paragrapha at leaet eight spaces so the typesetter doesn't have to guess where <he wenttkparagrapH^begln^. Wrlte correctlons, addltlons, and all speclal lnstructlons in elear, readable handwrltlng. Use copy^edltlng symbole to mark changes.
2. Don't make typesetters guess.a-%
Don't assume knowledge on the part of typesetters and mark-up people (the typeshop speclaliats who translate your lnstructlons lnto Ashop lnstruction^.M You must mark your copy so that you recelve exactly what you want. If a błock of type is to be set ragged right, for example, mark lt so the typesetter will understand exactly what you want”deep raga wlth no hyphens or morę gentle raga ualng hyphena, for example. tinother case ln point: When you glve spees for text, don't forget to indicate how wlde the paragraph indent should be.
3. Mark ^Kźerall speclflcatlons on page one
Any type speclflcatlons that apply throughout the manuscrlpt should be lndlcated on the flrst manfi^rlpt page. These speclflcatlons, whlch usually cover the basie text and headlngs, should be ytrlttcn clearly and slmply, in a torm simllar to thls: