Wiotka klatka piersiowa
As cłwat *xp»*S* and d jphiagm ć*Keodi
n*i UKWn unii m. imp*«ing ab-ty
to produc* ntga:^"ipnwil pittsuit. Modaynum and sbff to imn.urod
sldo. docreas.nj ofons-on capabnty ot fcng «n thal »Kło
As cn«« eontracts and d«aj>Vagnt nso*. Ba* sogmonl bUges ourawd. impsir ng espiratory oHocl W«d»Vinum and trachoa sh.tt to mjtaod ud* ks »evcrc fUil chest M may sfiuttto usctoufy front ono Mtg to tho oONłr as .ndcatad by bro<en hnos iptnMlufl)