:t. -J ł.c Goterniuenl, lii rogali ii- oilieer-, would be likely te kuow uli vu!u« rabl-c and nnjuardod point* and place* to «trike: to fcnow wbat auxlfiary meao* ure jicceiiarr, and bc ahle to eoramand ihera; amJ tbe GoYcrnmcnt eouhł moro roadily <»nc«W>lr*le meaas and men at o giren point whert a ęreat blow could bc itruclc.
1. Ali being regular, organized, and under a kind of eoilitarr contro), there »$ morf likelihood of secresY—*o fre<y;entlyr>eeet«ary—being obsened.
ó. lll-adrited and untiraely dcrnonstwitiont, and fruitle-J* espoeure* of such mesms, would be lwa frt^uent.
fi. Tc6oo«d meant, or such as the enemy could ti*c- with greater efficiency, would b" withhełd.
?. If thus organiaed and conlrolled, goremmcnul »anclion, id the eyei of the enemy, and of the World, would be morę eomplete aud efficicnt. The operatów would hare taił-itary rlolw, and be proterted in C3*e of CDpture. or subjer)uetit liligalion.
Did space (■•crroit, I could give rarioue circuontanccs to illustrate eaeh of the above n,-a>on*, hut I presumo it to ho unncccsury.
tiow I subrait, that to nccomplUh all the purpo*o* propo>ed in thl* paper, ecYeral ll.ings are to be donc by legiilatiro power.
Such Bureao i* to bo eslablishcd. it" duticj delined, and tnoaits placed at it» disposal.
Such band.1 and the kind ot warfaec conteroplated, mott be aulhorizcd, su Ibat persons rugaged may lia»e military status, and he ptotcctrd by Use Gorernmcut.
Thoir caplurcs should be secured to tlirm a* prizes.
TJiey tltould huve a handsome bonus or bounty for the dcetructioo of war tewels and transport*, t.thc bounty given now by acl of Aprit J9th, Jbfii, ij only for deslniction by nart! mcins,) and, perhup, a smali onr for deslroying any other ctaflł and properlyof lite enemy.
Since wriliug t!ie forcgoiug, llifi Want of proper icgulatlon bas been detnooslralcd iii ll»e repeated and oarne»t eiidtaiori of lho Secrelary of War to fonu aatlifactorr organizntionsofeue.il ingemout and daring men as sought aiitltorily, protectlon and ald In cnrrying out plant of dc*trueiion againu the enemy. Acting for sorae of thete partles, the undertigned bad the hor.or lo submit tohirn aererul propo*itions to cbooso from.
1. To !et llieic men be aturhed to some company in the regular serrice in the depart-menl or dislrict whbre thej were to operate, and be dclached for the tpecial purpow — Transportation, workthop aid, ordnance Stores, fcc., would be fumished at the diseretion of tlie deparlioent ordiurict commandrn.
2. To orgaoue them uuder lho *' acl fur local defeiicc and spcciul serYiee,'* npprored August Slsl, l»t>l.
3. To form compaDies of not IctMhan 20, un<lertbe4,act for looal defence," approvcd f)ctober J3IU. Thrug«cr<tary etideavoreJ to accompiith the purposeunder tłiit oct, bul fallrd, owing lo 'mtiłyrabic diflkulties.
f. Ii \vj» finally prop^M on the plan of the fint proposition, to organlze them under the k>gincoi flureau, aceording to acł approved March liłlb. )IS63. Tlit* wat adopted, ^nd Ilu mm trtr< (iłdirtducWy atllioriztd la pratod to Hu drycrTm/uf ot Jiurirl \cktrc theyuitAtd lo operałt,und h rnlhtcd and orgeei:rd u!tk a* /oglnr/r tampony; and thm lu d/taittd far tteir ,pttialpnrpatt—lit taHimanJin/: Central bfinję rtyartltd or rtcammtndtd lo furniiS Ihtm triLk Ironiporialimt, trorkrkay tvl, trrdnoyce floret, and »ufi/«ry prolttlitm ead .-.uUtcnc', •< hit ćistrelioo.
1'nder UiU plan, wm* of the most ingcuious, enlerprising, daring and patriotic me*i hi the G nfetleracy h:ivc gonem tbe South and SouUi-west, who will form the wneM of rnauy organization<, of the orogress of which, in ihn wnrk of destruclioii, I hope we •hall sikki hear fatorable and loud report>.
To gei them into ihs field ul ouce on lite .Mis'i<«ippi and clsewhere. during lite Iow wtter, at, l girę lho n 111 i itesesMe;'proleeiim, faciliiiet md aid, it wu* proporcu eon-irhu a t. arem j*in*ul, a^ Congcutsional action could not be had
II il in tlili plan thero aro srrioUs dilUoulliei which Citt only be obrialed by uew and siwwial legiilatiYc- action, and a separato organization, ai the following couiideratlohs
will sliotY :
1. lipou tlie ars*ttii|>tioii tbflt Ibeir porpo»c is tisclul—nay, of Uie higl.cet imporlaucc, (u- eiiileiit from the blowing up of the Cairo, U,c DcKalb.&c , u ud frvm tlie whoksotae fear matiifoled bj. or dclay causcd to the enemy hy torpedoes and other known and mp-posed tueans of dejtruction,! Ihcj ouglit to lic pcculiarly organized, and oxclufliYely de-tolfil lo Ihis sersicr, nud coutudk^only by aiJcncral cżmimanding a ilcparlnicat or