Przykładowy zestaw egzaminacyjny

the cycle ride would be the best choice. I'd enjoy the fresh air and seeing some of the area. I'd definitely choose the cycle ride on a fine day. If the weather forecast was bad, l'd choose table tennis.

1    Extreme sports involve risk and danger. I suppose people who take part in extreme sports would say they aren't dangerous if you take ail the right precautions. Perhaps it's better to say extreme sports are sports that give people an adrenalin rush, like bungee jumping. They really test the body or the mind or both. You need courage to take up an extreme sport and you need to be pretty fit for most of them, too. Extreme sports normally take place outdoors, in wild places, rather than in urban areas.

2    Although some people say that famous sportspeople deserve to be paid a lot, sińce they put a huge effort into their training, are under a lot of pressure, and have a short career, I think their enormous wealth is totally wrong. To be paid and paid well is OK, but the millions they earn would be much better used to help poor countries where people are starving. / A lot of people think sportspeople, especially footballers, are paid too much money. But they are paid according to

how much money football fans put into it, aren't they? If people stopped paying to go to the matches, the football clubs wouldn't have so much money and would have to pay them less. The amount of money sportspeople earn reflects the popularity of their sport, that's all.

3    I would like to be good at swimming because it's a very useful skill. It can save your life and you can potentiaily save other people's lives if you are a good swimmer. Also, it's the best form of exercise because you use all your muscles when you swim. Unfortunately, l've never been a good swimmer. I find it difficult to breathe in the water, so I would definitely like to get better at swimming. I should take some swimming lessons.

4    I enjoy watching ice skating. It's artistic as well as skilful. It's amazing what professional skaters can do with their bodies, like fast spins and spectacular leaps into the air. There's an element of showbusiness about it. The skaters wear beautiful costumes and sometimes have to act on the ice. A creative skating routine can be very moving. It's great entertainment and I particularly enjoy the ice skating at the Winter Olympics. It's very exciting when the skaters wait for their scores.


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