ló authomcd lo bo paid under said Act, or as auŁltorizcd undor 16 thi* Act.
1 Skc. 8. The bureau ia hereby authorizod toomploy auch clerks '2 draughtsmcn and others, unfit for 6eld duty, as may be necessary
3 for the 1>«sine& of the burcau, with tho same pay as i$ recoivcd
4 bylikc cmployces of the engineer bireau, and to make soch
5 other incidontal diabursoinents as may be necessary to carry in-
6 to cllcct the objects of tbis Act; and the ofiiccrs and men and
7 omployoes shall harc the samo rights and iemunities and bo
0 aubjcct to tbe sarno pcaaUies as thosc of other branches of ser-9 vico in the ar my of the Confoderate States.
1 ■ SfiC. 9. The compaeiea and partiea now irrcgularly organized
2 for the applieation of submerged or other dcfoncca, and known
3 aa torpedo corps, and for the conatruction and use of now war-
4 liko inrcntious or for secret somce, shall bo incorporated into
5 aad form a part of tho orgaoization contomplated by tbis Act:
6 Prouidid, That in such iucorporatioo, the terma and conditions
7 of persons heretofóro 0rgani2ing or joining auch organizatioo3
8 shall not be invalidated theroby : Providcd furlktr, That no
9 person shall bo cxerupted frora military seryice by reason of
10 being a member of any auch orgaoi2aUoo, nnlesa his peraonal
11 serricea aro eogaged ia its duties.
1 SsC. 10. Tho valuationof poblic pro perty, transportation, arms
2 aad muoifciocs of war of tlio enemy destroyed, and for which
3 cowpeusation ia provided in the Acta approred April 21,1862,
4 or which may bo provided in«any Act wbich may hereaftor be 6 p&seed, giriog componsatfon in like caaes, shall bo mado by t&e