


|    ~~| Siato cwkst.5 to tN> Unfled States

HBNofViC«rotnao<«s«3ntoir«UnMdSU‘.oa. 1790 I-H l>r«*o<3 Sam cowion to Tomossoo. 1806 and 16*6

I Tłię OVjir*l mnooo Slaloi (proton* aroa) pui tho I Otótrtcl ol ColumWa


(Annexation of Texas,1845)

|    ~| Itrrtod States    frtyn Trcas. \t$0

- | State ol Tkm (prosom aroa)

OTHER ACOUISmONS OFTHE UNITED STATES loufciana Purctaso trem Frane*.1803

Troat>os»9hGroalBrltain. 1783 ar*) 1817

TH Ore^on Corrprorrttt •W' Groal Brlteln. 16*6 | Coaałon from Martoo. 16-16 jjjj-jj GodtrJon Ptrehasofrom Mrolco. 1853

PurcteMd trem ftuŁila. Mjrcfi 30. 1067


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