6C:h 14. Si *1 in serond rh fram honk. »c In ncxt 3 rh Mc In nc.\l 2 eh. dc in ncxt 3 ch. 2 hdc In ncAt 2 ch. sc in iiCSI ch. work 3 sc in !>ist ch ConUnue to wwx aiouml nther sidc of foi indol ion ebaji). worklng sc $n neJri ch, hdc in 2 cli dc in 3 ch. hdc tn 2 ch. r.r In 3 rh. sl st In n«cł ch. Ch I.
7Now add decocathe dcUuls.
Kirw. work sl $t throufih bark loup isnly ofcach stttcli around leaf to 3-sc group a( lip. sl sl In lirst Ol these sc. ch 2. skip center sc. sl sl in 3ru sc. Hien sl sl lii ruch slłtch to rud. Oi 4 to add sieni. Fasten olf.
8Amłthcr way to deOOfalc k-nl Is to crochcl sr worked through l>oth kiops of tstch slllch nround. woikuif! 3 sc in ceni er sc of 3 sc group and cndtng wlth 3 «c.
Chato 4 to lorm stem Fasten oft. Sainple shuws romplctcd leaf.
9 Niw work center reige. niakuig Si sl al beisc ol sUtche* |Up of IraO wlth i siitch Uk «arh eh ol fnundallon chnin.