(ncw petal) and back loop of corresponding sc on first petal (prcv1ous petal) and sc in Hrst 7 sc. Joining them
6 SI st in next sc of circle. Now repeat step 3. Ch 1.
tum. Then with wrong sides of petals held together. insert hook through back loop only of sc on second petal
7 Then continue on just llie new petal. working sc In back loop only of each sc around petal and working (sc. eh 1. sc) over ch-1 at tip.
8 Work 6 morę petals in same manner to the last 7 sc on the last petal. Then work the last 7 sc. joining the last petal to the free sidc of the lirst petal.
#BU -i£7#
9 Gut yarn and fasten off. The flower is *1 The scheme can help you visuali/.e the different
completed! JL steps of the piece.