

18 laliona of tho cnginccr bureao, not inapplicablo, shall bo thoso 10 to bo obserrcd and conforiucd to by this boreau.

1    Sec. 3. It shall be tho daty of tho board of examtning offi-

2    ccre, who shall bc undcr tho ordcrs of tho chief of bureao, to

3    examino and ascertain tho merit and practicability of sach in*

4    rcntions, plans and sccrct cntorprisos, as may be aubmittod, as

5    spocifłod in the sccond scction, and to decido npon tho ąoalifica-

6    tions of candidate3 for appointmenta, and the dccilion of a ma-

7    jority of their nnmbcr shall dctorzninethe adoption or rejcction,

8    subjoct to the approral of tho President, if diaapprorod by the

9    chiof of the bureao ; and the chief of the bureau will appoint the

10    proper peraons and giro tho neceasary ordera for carrying into

11    offcct the prorisions of tbia scction. It ia, howoror, furlhtr

12    Protidtd, That tho President shall hare the power to direcithe

13    chief of bnreao to carry into etfect any plan or enterpriae, or

14    socret aerrice, which ho may approve, and to apply, if neceasary,

15    any of the accret aerrice fnnds heretofore appropriated, or which 1$ may be horeafwr appropriated, for dofraying the necossary ex* 17 penditarea for carryisg soch plan or aenico into effocL

1    8ro. 4. Tho chief of bnreao shall hare discretionary power,

2    sobjoct to the appror&l of tho President, when the sorrloe Istto*

3    usoally important, to omploy Bocrot agenta for aerrloe elther in

4    tho Confederate States, or within the enemy’* linep, Ot łn iicj . 5 foraign country; and for this porpoee f* WipowWed; wlth f£«


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