Miel tael Jackson: The King oj 1'op's Darkest Hour picks up where Gamphelfs Michnę! Jackson: The Kini> °f luft ofil łfciajling the curccr ol Michacl Jackson aml his efforts to tinally shed his media shy image. He began 1993 willi a string of high profile appearanccs: performing at Ihe mauguratmn ccremonies lor 1‘rc.siilent Hill Clinton. proviiling ihe halttime entertainment at the Super Iłowi, grunting a live 90-miriute interylew willi Oprali Winfrey, aml proving at Ihe Grammy Awards lilii! "me and Janet really are iwo tliffcrem people*! He was also raking m awards leli aml right. He was a big winner at llie American Musie Awards, the Soul Tram Awarils. aml Ihe World Musie Awards.
He was nunied us a (Iranimy l .egend and hceame Uic lirsi evcr reefpienj of the i ifelime AcJiievemenl Award lhim ihe Ciuincss World of Kccords Museum.
The year,ilesiiiied lo be one of ihe higgesi and tiest lor Michacl Jackson, Hien took an ugly and disturbing twist He became the largel of allegations
disturbing twist He became the larget of allegations ol chilil mulcslalion.
Althnugh hc ainsistcrSy maintained bis Ćompletc and (olał innoccncc, he was suHjććtćd to uh unprecedented barrage ni media attentioń and ńbuse His every inove and his motivcs were queslioned ai evcry iwist and lurn, bul Michacl Jackson consisienily and wilhoill esceplion proved his skeplics wnmg. Described herc is a look al Ihe medias ohścssHin willi Ihe story, nul willi Ihe facts, bm willi the sensationalism and Ihe polenlial lor