Be morę ccncerr.ed w uh cffcci SlZC ihan
Cafculale an effetl size?
Calculate power?
Calculate the confidence inteiual?
Detcrminc an appropilalc sample size?
inaease design sensithity?
Increase ihe power cf a siudv?
interpretan effeci sizc?
Repoit p values?
Use confidence lntervals instead of p vaucs?
Use confidence intcrvals in reporling resulls cf statistrcal anałyses?
A countcrnu!l va!uc?
A rcasonable sample sizc?
Alpha error?
Alpha lesel?
An odds ralio?
Bavesian siaiisucs?
Bela error?
Design sensilhity?
rffeci size?
trrors in hypothcsls tesling?
lnverse probatility error?
Siaiistical power?
The binomlal effeci size display?
The coefficieni of determiraiion?
The ctiilques of hypoinesis tesiing?
The cntiques of siatlstcaJ ■nference?
ihedilference bezcen siaiistical and subsianive significancc?
The meaning of 'altcrnalYc hypolhesis*?
ihe meaning of 'nuli
Ihe meaning ot 'slaiistlcalfy' sigmficanr?
Ihe prohlems wtlh iradiiional siaiistical lesting?
ihe relaiionship bctwcen sample sze and power?
Ihe relaiionship belween standard error. power. cffcci sizc. and sample sze?
Ihe relati.e imporianceof cffecl sizc and siausiical significancc?
Typc 1 and Tvpc II error?
ihe differem effeci size ind caiors?
tffcct sizes assoriated wllh different siaiistical tests?