

July 15:

54? Years of European Occupation.

Wbat Hatb We Wrought

Kathlccn Anderson, Manomct Bird ()bscrvatory

Dircccor Fmeritus

July 22:

Planting for WłldUfeHowyou can attract Wildlife in Yoitr oum Backyard Al Bussev.itz, Staff Botanist and Fhotographcr, Arnold Arboretum

July 29:

Contemporary Issues in Coastal Zonę Management

Lori Thayer. Community Planncr for Metropolitan Ar ca Planning Council

Field Trip: Migrating Shorebirds at Scituate

Shorebirds havc bccn callcd "champion mi-grants," because most fly round-trip distanccs of 2,000-16,000 miles bctwccn their aretie breed-ing grounds and South American wintering areas cach year. Many shorebirds stop along the New England coast bctwccn July and Octobcr. Some are difficult to identify, all havc fascinating lifc historics, many need consenation assistance.

This field trip, led by expert birder and Marshficld consenation commissioncr Warren Harrington, is designed to give you basie infor-mation about shorebirds. We will go to Third Qiff Beach. Scituate, an area favored by migrating birds. If you’d likc to improvc your skilLs in identifying thcsc amazing visitors to our bcachcs and wetlands, and to leam morę about their incrcdiblc annual joumeys, join us?

Datę: Saturday. August 8 Time: 900 am.

Cost: >8 non-members.15 members

Pre-rcgistration is ncccssary. We will send in-structions upon receiving your registration form.

Co-rtesy of Manomct tW Ctosofvcńo«v


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