and Slovak republics (bo rzeki wpływają). Ali in all BSR covers 15% of Europę (considering the lands and waters all of wliicli flows towards the Baltic Sea).

The rok of a sea:
an area of dominance and figlits
an area of strict State control-militarization
a source of pollution coming from the other countries and damaging our own land
- an area developing network of communication an area of sustainable use of natnral resonrees
- stimulus of ecologieal initiatives
as a source of common problems to be solved togetlier
Ftymology of the word: Baltic Sea:
North Europę an; Baltia German Word: Belt
Bhel - Wliite (Polish, Lathvian) - connected to ice
The East Sea - called that way by German, Sweden, Denmark
- The West Sea - Estonia
Charatłeristks of the Baltic Sm (the natural teatures of Halik)
Low temperaturę - 3*C to 5*C, warming this century
Szhallow sea of low salinity: rivers, ice, snowing inland
Brackish (słonawy, półsłony) - the largest sea of brackish water on the planet
Shallow (average 55 m deep)
Creatures living in the sea are smali and colorless
The Baltic is a sea that comprises of distinctly separate parts. The main basin of the Baltic is situated between tlie 54th and the 60th parallel, and between the 16th and 24th degree eastem longitude. It is a shallow sea of low salinity. North of the main basin is the smaller basin
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