

YOUR lower halfbecomes disproportionatclu large when middłe-age spread strikcs. But you arc still pet ile and can pul sonie fcminintty bach into youriifc.

BEST CASUAL LOOK YOUR top half is tiny com-pared to your bottom half, so all your outiits need to bo working to restorc harmony between the two. Using tex-ture to achieve balance is a skill to kcep in your annoury. The bulky gilet is a vital piece of kit for you. It could be sheepskin, fake fur. chunky knit or ąuilted. The point is that it adds volumo to your top half.

Anything with bulky sleeves will swamp your smali frame and turn you into a pint-sized Michelin lady.

Your trousers should bo widc-lcgged and madę in a softly draping jersey fabric. They should be longenough to reach the ground and always be a darker colour than your top. That’s all there is to it.


WHILE the 'gilot with trousers’ look will become your uniform for every-day wear. on some occasions you won’t feel dressed with out a jacket. so wear it with your other best friend. the cowl-neck jumpcr. It does a fabu-lous job of focusing attention on your top half.

Your jacket should be in a lighter colour than your trousers and it is essential that the hemline sits just above the top of your bum. Any longer and it will aecentuate your widost part. Your trousers will always follow tho samo principles. but those you wear with heels must be longer than trousers you wear with trainers.


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