*Davtd Goocis is tho my stery man of hardtx>*led helion*
—Gooffrey O Brten
Ooce upon a t»m« Whitey was a croooer with a million dolinr voice and a standłng myitation from nny woman who heard him use it. Until he had the bnd lucK to fali for CeUa And then nothing wouid ever oe the same.
In Stroat of No Return David Goodts works the magie that mado him one of the most distinctive voices m hard* boiied fiction. creating a elaustrophobe umverse In whlch wounded men and womon colDde with cata-efysmic force.
Cow dofitgn by Kecn Sriwten AMOCiBfOtt. Ino
Cov»r phoiopraphy by Barnaby Hel
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