Nat Harbin is a tamiiy man. Ml* tamiiy happens to be a gang ot burglars. Now Nat has met a woman so hypnotl-caiiy seductlve that be will ieave bis partnera and hla trndo to poaseas her Bot you dont got away from tamiiy that easily.
The Burgisr ha8 the hall-marks that mada Davld Goodis one ot the great prac-tltionera ot the hard-boited crime novel: a haunting iden-tification wrth ntes losers. and a hero who tinda out who he i* only by betraymg everything he beiievea in.
Cm— a—ugn by Kern Siwndan AsoooolM. ine.
Cm— phoioerapny by Al—.a Ł*um