Covor Oeaign by Kołtn Shondan
Associates Inc.
Covcr pbotosKapb Dy K*r\ Sbung
US 57 95 GAN $10.95
Davłd Goodis la the mystery man of nardboiled flctlon... the poet of the losers.. . .If Jack Kerouac had written crime novels, they mlght have soundod a bit hke thls." — Geoffrey 0’Brien
The basls for the film by Franęotó Tr uff aut. Shoof the Piano Ptayar is a bittersweet and nerve-racklng expk>ra-tion of dlfferent kmds of loy-aity: the kind a man owes a woman; the land he owes his famlly. no matter how bad that famlly w; and. ultlmately. the loyalty he owes hmself. The result is a moody thnller that. like the best hard-boited flctlon, carrles a morał depth charge.