•'Dawid Go odia la the mystery man o# hardboiled fictton.
. --He wrota ot wtno® and barroom piano playera and smalt-timo thieves in a vein of tortur od fyrtasm a» Ns own. ... He was a poet of the losers." — Geoffrey 0'Brien
With Ks chMng portrałt of a doomed man sortlng his way among the perverse toyaltes of a crlminal "famiiy," Black Friday has a* the earmarks of Dav»d Goodls'8 ciassics. Dark Passaoe and Sftoot the Piano Ptayer It is a hauntlng and often devastat.ng foray mto a World whera no ona has anything left to lose and surwal itseW ls an act of mal«co
Cower Oooign by Kwth Sheroon amocimm. ne.
Cover phototjraph by Wooooo