A CiOrary. nomadays com-monly Gnoma as media li-6raty ls a partlcnlar place. By ttis meaning one draws attentlon mostly to extensl-ve coCCcction of worĄs and elaOoiatiohs placed tAere.
1 te dldactic and cognithie valt*e of media tiicaiy fot modei n mon ls signiflcant. 3n addition. smA a OuiC-dług plays Its part In pro-moting soclal encounters wtlct witA tlme eon dnetop to Ouitd long Casting frlendstlps of peopte u/Ao stare tte same interests-Nowadays, wten tte popa-laiity of compateis. Internet and modern tectnology A as inereased wittln tAo so-:!f*y. tte CiOrary tas Aad to
Elewacja Boczna
UNIWERSYTET ZIELpNOGÓRSKI Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Architektura i Urbanistyka | ||
Elewacje | ||
Opr. |
Ksion Daniel |
Skala: 1:200 |
Prow. |
mgr inż. arch. Juchimiuk Justyna |
Rok: 2012/13 |