Anneke Costmere-
► Tinta golił [22T). corner and wr.dow designs. dots. three tear shaped designs,
► Tinta wbite (01 T>: double lines ot bo^der of wmdow. curling des:qrson letter E. curved llnes between rne tear-shaped designs.
► Tinta bluc (02T): letter E.
► Peręa-Color 2: letter E. designs with:n window bcrr.er. two upper corner designs.
► Curling designs on letter E.
Finishing off:
► Fold the card m hali' and put m an insert of rainbowpaper.
► Perforate the outline of the card using the 4-need!e tool, except for the t i ee tear shaped designs. peiforate these with the 2-needle tool.
► Cu: tnrough :he ourer connections on the perforatec outline.
► Between the double lines of the bor der of the window. dots. tear shaped designs. cun/ed l.nes between tear-shaped designs. letter E. twe outer corner designs.
► Make feather shapes in the two corner oesigns at tłie bottom.
► Per fora te the window bcrcer us:nę the 4-neecle tool n such a way ihat the embossed linę runs between the perferations.