46 Anneke Oostmeijer
► Tinta leaf green (10T): leave$.
► Tinta fuchsia (20T); flowers.
► Tinta yeliow (16pistils of flowers.
► Mix Pintura green {08) i blue (02): letter Y.
► Pintura white <C 1) + fuchsia (20): flowers.
► Pintura yel ow (16): pistils of Flowers.
► Pintura yeliow (16)- green (08) + brown (12): sorńe leaves.
► Pintura yeliow {16) + green (08): so:::e leaves.
Perforating (shallow):
► According to perforation patterns.
Perforating (deep):
► Arcording to perforating patterns
► Perforate parte 3 usirrg ihe 2-needle Tool.
► Cut trrough che corr.ections of the perforatec parts A.
► Cul through t-.e conr.ections of the perforatec parts B.
Finishing off:
► l-o!d tre ca-d jn half and out in a pastel-coloured sheet of rainbow parch meni papę-.
► Perforate the outline using the 2-needle tool.
► Cut thrcugh the cor.nectiore of the perforated