

20 Anneke Oostmeijer



►    I nta gcld (22T): outiine cf the card.

►    Tinta black (11T): the ertire patrerr..


►    Pintura red (03): parts A.

►    Pintjra blue (02): parts R.

►    Pintura yellow (16) + blue (02): parts C

►    Pintura green (08): parts D.

Finishing off:

►    Folcl the card ih lialf and pul iri a ulue ir-ser t sheet..

►    Perforate the cutline of the carn using the 2-r.eedletool.

►    Cut through the cornections on the perforated outline.


► Accordinc. :o the perfęratibn pauern.



Podobne podstrony:
q 34 Anneke OostmeijerPATTERN Q:Tracing: ► nnta gold (2ŻT); OUtiinfe bf the tarć, diagoral t: order
y 46 Anneke OostmeijerPATTERN Y: Tracing:►    Tmta gold (22T): lerter Y, desicns C. ►
j 22 _Anneke OostneijerPATTERN J: Tracing: ►    i inta gold (22T): letter J. dots m t
k 24 Anneke OosrmeijerPATTERN K:Tracing: ►    Tinta gold (22T): designs on the outlin
m Parehment fronr A to Z 27PATTERN M: Tracing: ►    Tmta gold (22T): outline of the c
t 38 Anneke OostrrejjerPATTERN T: Tracing: ►    Tinta gold (22T): round designs to tJ
u 40 Anneke OostmejjerPATTERN U: Tracing: ►    Tinta (jold (227): outline of card. st
l 26 Ar.neke OostmeijerPATTERN L: Tracing: ►    Tmta gold (22T): out me of the card.
e 14 Anneke Costmere-PATTERN E: Tracing: ►    Tinta golił [22T). corner and wr.dow
n 30 __Anneke Oostrr.ejjerPATTERN N: Tracing: ►    Tinta gole (22T): oval-shapedand
g 18 Anneke OostrreijerPATTERN G:Tracing: ►    Tirita white (C.T): dots on outline of
z Parchmer.t from A to Z ___47PATTERN Z: Tracing: ►    Tinta gold (22T):cut ineo:t~er

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