Parehment fronr A to Z
► Tmta gold (22T): outline of the card. designs i: the hearts. lear-shaped and triangular designs. letter M.
► Tinta white (01 Tj: double nearts. border of window.
► Tinta sepia (12T): twigs and flowers on i.-tter M.
► Pintura yellow (16) brown (12); twigs on letter M
► Pintura white (01) + blue (02): flowers on letter
► Pintura yellow (16): hearts of flowers.
► Pintura yellow (16) + greeri (08): leaves.
► Mix Pintura nlue (02) + nlack (11): four smali tsar-shaped cesicns and dots in hearts.
► Pintura white (O I): the four remainlng tear shaped designs in the hearts.
► Berga Coior 2; around the windcw ramę and the letter M.
► _etter M. flowers, leaves. twigs, outline of triangular and Lear -shaped designs.
► Destgos ;n the hearts. in oetween the double lines of tne hearts, outline of the card.