36 Anneke Costmeijer
► Tinta go!d (22T): letter S.
► Ti', ta ruchsia (?.OT): fiowers. curling designs arounć letter S.
► Tintą' leat green (! OT): Ie2ves.
► Pinturawhite{01) + fuchsia(20) flowers* curling designs.
► Tinta green (04T): !eaves.
► Tinta leaf green (1 OT): shadows on the leaves.
► Pintura green (06): shadow and velns on the leaves.
► Pintura Tichsia (20): vcns on the oetals.
► Curling designs. flowers. ieaves(very ligrtly).
► Letter 5.
Finishing off:
► Kolei the eard iri half ano put in an insert of rairibowpaper.
► Perforate the outllne ising the 4 needle toot.
► Cu: rnrough riie outer connections of the perfbrateti outllne.