Obrazek 08

Obrazek 08

Tttf 2 A fotelu

Test 2 A Struktury


skilful, boring, proud, omrated, wise, cruel, generous, sensitive, kind, ambitious, calm

A Zakreśl wyrażenie prawidłowo uzupełniające zdania.

(5 points)

0    My aunt lives in London, south of Thames/

(the Thames)

1    He saw an accident when he was driving/drove home.

2    I haven't done my homework yet/already.

3    I need to have a bath/the bath first.

4    1 didn't see/haven't seen my friend recently.

5    When my mother heard the news she was beginningfregan to ery.

6    I played/have played Computer games a lot when 1 was a child.

7    I prefer travelling by the train/train, it's very comfortable.

8    How many times has he won/did he win the ski-jumping tournament this season?

9    Would you like to go to a theatre/the theatre tonight?

10 What did your sister do/was your sister doing when she finałly got home yesterday?

B Przeczytaj tekst, a następnie napisz czasowniki podane w nawiasach w czasie Past Simple, Past Continuous lub Present Perfect.    (7 points)

1 (0) met_(meet) Carmela two years ago

when I (1)_(be) in Madrid on

a business trip. I (2)_(sit) in a cafe

with some business partners when a beautiful young

waitress (3)_(come up) to us to take

the order. I (4)_(speak) to her in my

broken Spanish and we (5)_(fali) in

love with each other at first sight. The next day we

(6) _(have) our first datę. This year she

(7) _(visit) me in Poland twice.

C Przekształć wyrazy podane w nawiasach tak, aby pasowały do kontekstu zdań.    (4 points)

0    There are morę and morę homeless (home) people in India.

1    My new job gives me financial_

(independent) from my parents.

2    She is a very good tennis player and can teach you

how to_(success) in playing tennis.

3    After the accident my leg was so_

(pain) that I couldn't walk.

4    I think Sara is not a good journalist because of her _(able) to listen to other people.

5    My children are so_(decision) about

their holidays - one day they want to go to the mountains, the next day they prefer the seaside.

6    I'm very sorry to hear that your grandfather is _(die).

7    My teacher's_(angry) was so great

that 1 was afraid of talking to him.

8    Tom's mother became_(suspect) when

he returned home after midnight.

D Wybierz przymiotniki z tabelki, aby uzupełnić

zdania. W ramce jest więcej przymiotników

niż potrzeba.    (4 points)

0    A kmy person has many things to do all the time.

1    Something uninteresting is_.

2    Don't criticise him, he will start erying. Don't you

know he is very_?

3    My aunt is a very_person. She

always gives money to charities and helps the poor.

4    When we saw a python everybody panicked except

John. He stayed_.

5    My little brother is very_to animals.

He always kicks and hits them.

6    Tm afraid their new record is_. It is

not as good as everybody says.

7    My boyfriend is very_. He always

helps me carry heavy bags.

8    The Impressionists were very_at

drawing and painting landscapes.



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