

The usefulnewfi of a cup Ls in its etnptiness

A leamed mran once went to a Zen master to inpulre abont Zen. As the Zen master talked, the learned man would irequf»ntfy fnterrnpled him with rcmarka like,

111 Oli yv.s, we ]j?vh nhat too. ,,. ", et1:!.

Finally t.hc Zen mru-.ter stopped tolktng and began to sem tea to tbe learned man; howeverT he kepł on pour-ing nnlil the to a rup over fi owe d.

"Knmigh, no morę can go into the cup!" the learned mart iyiterruplod.

Irlndeed I ke’C, 11 an-swOT-cd the Zen master, 1rlf you do not first ernpt.y your cup, how eon you taste my cup of tc:a?M

I hope you will read the folio wing paragraphs with open-mlndedness, leaving aLl

the burfSens of pre conc:eived opinions and eonelusfonu behind-----thls ad, by the

Y/ay, bas in itself a Jil>era.liug pflwur----on t.he olher band, do relaLe the materiał

to ycMjrńdf because it ls concertied with the bloswerning of a rnartinl artis-t, and nota "Cbinese" marlial artist, a "Japanese /uartial ar-list, sic., e^C Amnriia.1 a;-List is tirstly a man, whinh is oi>rwe1vcjs; nationallties bas nothing to do in niartinJ. hpi,

Supposing ńcjveral pernons who ars: tralned in differenl combalive art.s h«ve junt Y/iLnessed a fight, I om ńure we will hear different wraienz of ii «fterM-ai’dM. The conseątłence is ąuitc undei-etandablo, for one carmol see a fight "sk isM ssy front the point of views of a bo^r, a w rew 11e r, a knraLc-ka, a jndo-ka, or anyone wlio

LS trained in a parLieular melhod becmiftO hc wlit SCO the fight acoorciiilg to the limit


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