mystical mtnd training prcnnotes not the promised internal power but psycholog! cal eon a t.i pation. Tn JKJ5, whether Lt be inward or outward fredning, the toehnigues uscd are oftcnjfc temporary oxpedienls, the aim of which i» to liberate lite spirit ratbar than to bind ihc body.
Unlike the traditional approach, there is never aseriew of rui o a, a classification of tfr<ih.’łiques, eto., thet constiittite a xo 0:1 l.Ied JKJ> mofbori of fighting. To be gin wilh, there is no snch thing as a mntliod of fighli»g4 Tp To orcale such a method is pretty mueli Like putling a pound of walor lato
wrapping paper and whape it-----allhough much futile argumentu caist nowadays
as to the oholce of colors, texlures# etc. of the w rap ping papor4
Eriefly, <1K.L> is not a form of speeial cundilioning wilh a scL of beliefa and approach, So basic-ully it is not a "mass11 arl, It dous not look at combal from a. certain angin but from all possiblc anglew liceauwe ii is not on any syalem. Allhough it u liii z os all ways and meaus to stm its end ^officiencY i a anything that Bcoros),' it is bound by nonę, and i a therefore free from ihem. In othar words, JKD, rithough possessed of all, is ilsclf jjol possesHcjd; for any siructure, however cfficiently designed, Lccomes a cage tf the iw obsessed wilii iL 'i'o di:fino J KD as a stylo (Gang Fu, Karate, kiolc-boeing, etc*) js to miss it eompletely, lf yKTi is not a style or a method, maybe it is being neutral or maybe it is indifforence. Howeyer,
Oum iw noL the cas^j for JKD is both xt unee "thin" and " this11. arkd JKD iw ncither opposed to styles nor not opposed t« Lliom. ' T-tj Lin de rw i and fu lly, one n\ust tranwoomi the dwaliLy of 'Yor1' r:rid "ai^ainjit" into 07.-O organie v;hoift. WiLkin the Ab solu te iliorc is simply no distiuciLon] ev«:ry thing TS„ A good JKD anist rewie in direct iniultion.
Whrn I fiest ai i ived in lho U.M, I was LOacning my yersioti of Wing Cburi -----f rny 1lChineseM fcystorn th«n. lloweye-r, i-dneo then 7 no loitger am