To ser. Uie record straight, I ha%'e NOT invented a new styLe or a roodifieb siylc, rhat is, set wiihin distincc form as apari from rthis' mf-hod or 'tbst' metbor3.Cn tne cnntrary, 1 bope to free my icNowers from, patterns, or mouiris. l:i reafify. tbc- professed c»re ci & pa i tern is iiself a deeease, for it 'sets' and 'iraps' reaiity irio a choiee mould J ust os one cannot get a piece of paper to w rap and shape water, fighting csn never be madę '.o conform to any one system, t-’reodom simply cor.noL be preconceKeć, and when there is freedorr., therć is "Ahcr good nor its reaction as bad, Tbere is .|ust no ciALinc-tions writhin the Absolute. My eoncerns ar« for t.hose wYio ara unkno-wiugly being cc n bit-ioned and aolidified by a partiaiized and higfcly straciure, wilii ordy ‘‘routine eiriciency" raiher tban tbe frajdom to express oneseLf, In most cases, tbey hsve becom ms«:i£iti7ed patrernized robot, listsning to thein own acreams ord Loud yellw, They ore ihose organized forms. Tbey ara those elassieal bloeks. In sbort, Lr.ey are tbe rewolt of lhousands of years of c.onbiiloning.
One .sbould nev<?r ’.oole ot eomba: irom a c*r:ain angie butfrom all y-ossible erg'.l-s.That is why in Jeet Kunę T>o one is taught to utillze o U wsya and me ans to aerve its er cl ciency is not Lhe odheren: to r.lassieal form, efficieroy is anytbmg trat suores), b\n., and that is a raihor im porta nt but, be la bound by nonę. In ocher w ord,JKU, thoug.' possessed of *11 possible angles, is ieself not posseftsed. Tor any sLoucture, however irteilige.nlly oesigned, be o om e a a cage if Lue student is obsessed witii it, Tńus ibe stadents ars taught to bc -able to enier a moulo but not being eaged in it, ~o fullow '.he pHneipleB witbuu: being Limited or be and by ihern. This is importar.L, for a pliable, oboiceless observalior. without exidusiou is ao esaential in tbe cuili^ation n: JKli. An
".aitogetber oieri awareness11 wititouL its eenter or its cir^unriferenoe------te be in it,
.but not of it. is u-hć>re tńe vaiue J.ies: T.he free dom to uae tec’’nniqucs and zo di s pens ^ wiin tt. j7T[
Karate, Kica Bom ng, eci.
d'. yji a “fo define -~KD as c. pa.-ticolar syńtem iGung Fu,