

Didactics of FL teaching examination - 2008


Complete the following:

1.    Language input is_

2.    Language intake is_

3.    Communicative competence is a set of competences:

4.    A teaching approach is_

5.    A teaching method is_

6.    A teaching technique is_

7.    Behaviourism views the process of language learning as consisting of three steps:

8.    Nativism views language learning as a process of_and_

9.    Universal Grammar consists of_(rules applying to all languages) and

_(rules of the particular language).

10.    The interactionist model of language acquisition /based on Vygotsky/ consists of two major concepts:


11.    Broca's area is responsible for speech_.

12.    Wernicke's area is responsible for speech_.

13.    The three major phases of memory are:_,_, _

14.    Bottom-up Processing is one in which the brain_.

15.    Top-down Processing is one in which the brain_.

16.    Krashen's Monitor Model consists of five basie hypotheses:

17. Anderson's Adaptive Control of Thought Model considers language learning as a process of

18. There are the following stages of skill acquisition in ACT model:

19. PDP/Connectionist models consider learning to be the process of

20. Schumann's Acculturation Model defines occulturation as a process of

21. Enumerate four explanations of age differences related to L2 acquisition:

22. The four components of language aptitude are:

23.    A cognitive style which perceives reality as a whole is called:_.

24.    A cognitive style which prevents a learner from easy generalization is called:_

25.    A personality type which prefers group work to individual work is called:_.

26.    There are two major types of anxiety:_,_•

27.    The ability to deal with the incoming information in spite of the fact that it is not completely elear,

comprehensible, etc. is called: ____•


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