Untitled 2

Untitled 2

And łł-r tfjWis betwwin w/s 3 aro 3.

ties/Rned by Hsiao-Hsuan Tso


al tamptes

•    ?, g fi* r-rr-rl bęads -n Oecbol 2cob-S:A 8

•    l»a:!tr»3 łllWad« r<r>>ir (5 ib tost

•    bomraj notnioi. u 12

| Work Itw bftncf ń Wwtwn »2. Sstch Tfie irs: ręw to tro dosroa j l«-.<yn, thon wwic a son<yvj nwr, i splitkig aad conroctrip tie

i rewo os doscod

Stłtch Workshop j Tso stitch

Stitch mashup

With clcmcnts of peyote stitch and right-angle wcave, tso stitch is a versatile stitch that is new yet familiar.


8ogh eaiłi psio) wf.h a ssvełvsiix*> row śn Nferiatcci ń1. 8cgh a r«v ro«. wcifc ar ficwsft and ccnpfcto Ti& «w •AMh a ł03Cf Of    ęłScheS Work nxvs 3 ani i ai a frtrrcr

anage 1/ rows ? arrf' Comorł rows 1 and <• at tt'e bOF.cm.

you ctm appty theni to y<xir own croabone. like tois ftowsr bracolot. To sec morę tao atltch dosigns and 5tep-by-step instructions for this bracełet, vl8it BeadAndButton. com/resourcea.

Attach a 'top head (Basic*, p. 103) to a tom for U Me Irngth of thrcad or Firelinr leforc jtńchmj cnCh of thc followmg uKipIcs.

Variation #1

This sarutioo is bascd on

step step

tuhular peyote stitch (Basic*), K.irtinj with foar beads in the imtul round. and two heads in caclt subscspicnt rot md. Whik stitcłimg thc sampłc, you will noticc that thc thread and hulcs of thc hcads arc sery prominent in thc deógn. so chcosc rhread to nutch thc bcads you arc tising.

Basic stitch

(1] Pieli upa color A 8' secd head, a color B 8* sccd head, an A, and a B. .ind sew througli thc fir<t A again to form a ring.

[2]    Pick up n color U sccd hc.id. skip an A in thc ring, and sew throujilt tbc ncxr A in thc ring Rcpcat, and «cp up through tbc fust B in thc new round (photo a)

(3]    Repem step 2, .tlrcmating rounds of As and Bs.

Adding rows

{1] Using As. work a row of thc basie stitch,

[2]    E.\it a sidc A, and pick up chree Bs. Scss throogh thc A yowr thread ceircd at the start of this step (photo b).

[3]    Work rwo stitchcs ot tuhular peyote u.sing Bi: Pick Up a B. and scw thtoufth thc sectmd B pic-ked up in thcprcccoos stitch. IVk up a B, stw thtougli tbc A yoor ihread cxitcd in thc pretious step, and cominuc tbrough the tirsi B added in this step (photo c).

[4]    Cominuc, worfcing in ntodifkd tubsilar peyote:

Pxk up .t B, and sew throujih thc sccond B added m thc ptevk>us step. Sew chroiigh thc ncxt A in thc presioos row.

[5]    Work as in tteps 3 aud 4. altrriiating hctwcen adding two stttchcs per rour.d and one stitch per round, ak>ng Hic length of thc prenous row.

Incroaso and docroase rows

To work an iiKteasc at thc bcginnmg of a new row. you limit tiret add o stitch that is fiu sit with tbc cod of the first row as in "Yariation 1: Addiog rows." YCorit in thr oppositc diCCCtiori to add thc incrcasc stitch (photo d), then sew hack throngh the bcadwork to compiete die ncsv row.

To work an incrcasc stitch at thc cod of a completed row, simply contmuc working in the Kasie stiwh. adding two bcads per round.

18 BflaOABuOCKi! www.BMdAficBsrtonMni


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