remove leaves

Kcmovc thc. Ieavcs front thc bot tom tliirtl of thc myrtlc stems. Cathcr thc stems to form a tuli botujuct.

trim ends

Using heavy-duty wirc eutters. cut lite stems cvenly to mcasurc .V (I3cm) in Icitgth.

secure stems

Sccurc (ho stems tightly by wrapping (hem wlth thc coppcr braci wire and twisting to ancltor (be wirc in place.

wrap stems

Contmur to wrap (ho stems tiglitly with thc coppcr wirc umil 3‘ (8cm) o! thc stems are covered.

M » ISsriHSIlOSS IS »UIIIIM. l'I.O«ll»


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