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Ntw Inipjralicnt lo Weddlng Itonli O łooj by Tiwy l- Rye. MacAKturtd in Omu. A* rtjMt itMfml. II n po-nv^vWc lor th» nnKw W maić th» tonlancd h«on and Mil
them at Mirt. 6jmki and aaft ihon*. No ccher part oI thfc book may bc rcpcodwwd « any Torm cr by any łlKttortt « mcduniul mcarn Induding infcmutton uwag* and rctrtcval lyWcmi webowi pcnnlwion In wtWng (njm the pubWwt. nad by a indwu, »b) may QuoW a brtcl paiuge in mAew. PubWwd by Owiwway OooAi, an impdnl o( f »W fWJbcatiem. mu 4700 Eau Gatoaiih Road. OntinnMl. Obło «i}6. (9oo> 2890964. >Vłl edcon
07 c* oj w O) S*J»I
Ubrary oI Congirw CaUlogog in-PubMalon Oau Ry*. Tciy L. *944-
New impinliono «■> ncddrg tom* / Trety L Rył. p. cm.
ISBN 1 448/0-644-8 <f**. : aft. pap*0 u WrddWg decorattorw. 2. nom docotaciora. 3. Wdał booqu«v I. Wt.
584*9 S W4R9S i<x>J
flowers has allowcd her to havo tho best iob In tho world—croating inno-vativo and beautiful floral designs. Since 1980. sho has becn the owner of the Maricmont Florist in Cincinnati. Ohio. The Maricmont Florist has been fcaturod in the prestigious Cincinnati Flower Show and is regarded as a dis-tinguished Professional Florist. As a self-taught floral designer. Torry loves lo share the joy of floral arranging with others through her scries of how to books. She has appeared on the DIY NetWork, part of the HGTV family. as well as having becn featured in vari-ous national trade publications. Terry resides in Cincinnati with her nlne-year-old daughter. Sarah.
EdRot: Kthla (camlton and Cashowie (ochran Dnipw: Sudwne Strang layout A/tni; Małthcw Oc Rhodcs ProduCtiOA Cootdinalor: Sara Oumkyd Phocographer: 0»Htm» ftotormky and Al Rarmh Pł*XO Sty«*t: ftn Wekom