With struli
juitcm uiili /Miinis
Openwork paltem with garter Stach
If yon want to work a sweater with ribbing and cables, this band i.s a nice "tinish." The wide cables (worked ovcr 8 stitches) are worked over the en tire sweater; the nanuw cables (worked ovcr *1 stitches) tum into stockinette stitch ribs (sec cable pattems, pages 132(7.).
On the Ich, 2 'titehes are crossed to the leli cverv other row. and on the righr every 4th row. Cables puli the stitches togę the r a lot. If you contin-ue in stockinette stitch atrer the nb* bing. dont incrcasc any morę stitches; if the sweater is supposed to bc bo.w, you have to decfeaso a fcw stitches (sec cable patrerns. pages 132ff.).
Bands ot openwork are aLso very at-tractive on sweacers worked in stock* Inctte stitch. The inereases and de* creases usually result in a wavy edge, which doe> not roli up or only rolls up slighriy (pactcm chart on pages 21M).
I his pattern is also g<x*J tor bands, sińce it does not roli up because of the garter stitch. The length of the patiem can bc varicd; it is nlways offset by half a pattern repeat (paltem chart on page 219).