

Connecting Cables to Terminals

ISO connector unsupported car (KRC-478R/378R/33R only)


Refli left output IWhitel

Connect eitner to the power control terminal when using the optionof powoi jmpłtfier, or to the antenna oontrof terminal in the vehiefe

Ignition key 5Witch


Car fuso box (Mam fuse)

To front nght



If no connoctioos ore mooo. do not cut the tuoo ofł from tne edge of the C8ble

When only two speakers ara being connected to the system, connect the cormectors either to both the front output terminals or to both the rear output terminals (cfo not mtx front and rear). For example. if you connect the ••+ connector of the left speaker to a front output terminal, do not connect the @ connector to a rear output terminal

If you connect the ignition cable (redl and the battery cable (yellowl to the car chassis (groundl, you may cause a short Circuit, that in turn may start a fire Always connect those cables to the power source running through the fuse box

Fiont right outout <Red)

<KBC-478R/478RV onlyl

Front left output (White)

IKRC-478R/478HV onlyl

Fus© MO A)

Pług <P 29)

KESWOOD disc changer / DA8 control mput


To connoci the Disc changer or DAB unit. contułt each manuał


TEL mule leiminal To connect the KENWOOD navigation system, consułt youi navigatton manuał



To tront lett © speakei

Gray/3lacv 0

® spoafcor

To rear left ® speaker

To rear nght © speakei


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