IFor sewing with open stitches, first work 2 rows in stockinette stitch in a different colored yarn. Place the parts next to each othor and puli the knitting necdles out.
Put the pieces next to one nnother in the wny rhey arc goinfi to he joincd, with the righl side ot the work on top. The working ynm is attachcd to the katom piece. The way you work in stockinette stitch is esplaincd in dctail on these pages.
For pieces worked in revetse stockinette, the stitches are similarly sewn together. You only have r»> insert the necdlc from hottom to top instead ot front top to bottom. anJ bring it out the opposite way.
2 Work as when sewing from the knitting needles, alternately join-ing 2 stitches of the bonom and top pieces after the selvedge stitches. Un-do the additional rows as you work.
Thb meatis that you insert the needle into the $elvedge -titch from top to bottom. Then insert the nccii !e in the other selvedge stitch from katom to top, and out of the ncxt stitch from top to Kinom. etc. lf the piece was worked entireły in rceersc stockinette, you can also tum the work and sew it together using grafting stitch for stockinette stitch.
When you hnvc n pattemed ilesign, Mich as tcxtured or ribhing patrerns. it not as pracrical to use grafting
3 The result is the same as
when sewing from the knitting needles. The finished seam is invisible.
stitch to join the pieces, bocausc the stitches movc over by hall a stitch each tinic. In this casc, it looks better if you knit the stitches together or sew them together after they are bound off.
On sonie pattems. suc li .ts open-work pattems, ii is difficult to sew open stitches together using grafting stitches. In this a».se. ii is easier to bind off the stitches and then sew them logetlier with grafting stitches. A slightly raised area w ill Ibrm on the insidc willi this seam. bul il can liardly lx* scen on the outsidc.
Similar to sew ing open stitches together. tu sew the bind-off stitches together with grafting stitches, you need a tupesiry or wool necdlc. atxl a working yam
that is ab mt three limes as |ong as the widlh of the piece.
Pul both pieces down, right side of the work on top, nexł to one another Start with the seKedge stitches. just as you do lor open stitches. Then again catch 2 stitches from the bottom and top pieces. DotTl puli the working yarn too rightly, oihcrwisc the seam will lx’ hard and rigid, and the linę on the inside will lieconie thteker.