stitches and slip all tlić purl stitches puHwisc. Bcfore you slip the purl stitchcs, the yam has to lv placed at thc front of thc work every time. At thc cnd of thc row. push thc .stitchcs back to thc other end ot thc nccdlc and iłów work all thc purl stitchcs with thc yellow yam. Now slip the knit stitchcs—i-c-, thc bluc stitchcs—as if ro knir rhcm. The yam has to be put at tlu: back of thc work cach rirne.
If you arc working a pattcrn, hitwcvcr, you have to pay cvcn morę attcntion. In this casc, you arc working not only knit stitchcs but aUo purl stitchcs. Sotnctimcs you are working thc stitchcs on thc right side «if thc work, and sonie timc s thosc on thc wrong sidc of the work. At every chango from thc right to thc wrong sidc, I knit stitch and 1 purl stitch, or vicc vcrsa, have to lv worked in thc same color or slipped purlwisc.
IBoforc a knit stitch, put both yarns behind the work and knit the stitch in tho appropriate color.
Casting Off
Betbre casting off noimally or in kitchencr rib, put all thc knit stitchcs and purl stitchcs of rhe knirred piece scparatcly on 2 knltting nccdlcs.
It you started a scarf using casting on in kitchencr rib, you can now join the stirches from horh nccdlcs using grań mg stitch.
If you started with an opon cast on, after you sepamte thc knit and purl stitchcs you should work as many rows in stockincttc stitch. over thc stirches of 1 stde. as you worked for the facing. Only afterwards join them with rhe stitchcs from the second nccdlc. using grafting stitch.
For a reversible blanket. the edges are also finished with a double facing. To do this, pick up 3 stitches every 4 rows from the selvedge stitches, and work about 10 rows in stockinette stitch. Then sew the open stitches onto the other side using grafting stitch (see pages 114-117).
2lf you started a scarf using casting on in kitchener rib, join the stitches of both sidos using grafting stitch.
If rhe knirred piece Ls part of a cardigan. Mich as thc back, pul thc shoulder srirches onto a stitch holdcr for now. Then work thc front and sew the shoulder sritchesof both sides togerher using grafting .stitch. Make surę rhnr the srirches on the nccdlcs and thc seam itsdf producc an addirional row in cach instance.
For nccklincs and armholcs, thc stitchcs ort cach sidc arc hound off scparatcly. For nccklinc facings, you can then pick up thc stitchcs of 1 side "normally," work twicc thc length of the desired facing. and sew thc stitches to the insidc using grafting stitch.
For slecves, the 2 sides are also hound off scparatcly. Then cach sleeve nuisr be sewn on twicc using grafting Mitch, onec from thc insidc and once from rhe outside. The last thing you do Ls sew thc sidc and słecvc scams using invisible stitch, also twicc. oncc from thc outside and once from the tnside.