
SnuKking can be worked on practically any background. Stockinette stitch. ribbing. and even shaker knitting gets a completely different look.

Plcase norę thac tłu; width ot" tlie gauge w ill changc slguifi-cantly. Dcpending on rhe partem, you will nceJ approximately 25% morę stitches. That's why it is absolutely nccessary to knit a sufii* cienrK largc sample tor gauge hnish this samplc just likc che piece itself: Błock the sarnple, let it dry under a damp doth, and then do the sinock-ing. Onlv alter you have dotw dl this can you count the stitches and rows.

In smocking. individual sritcho are sewn together using back stitch. These stitches have to he markęJ first. either with knit or ptirl stitches. or with basimg thread.

Ifyou are knitting with nghtty tw isted wool, cotton, or .1 synthetie blend, you can usc the same yarn tor smocking. Normally. it will be Mrong cnough and \von’t tear. It the yam is thick and tear-resistant, you can even sew with hali the yarn. It you are knitting with a kuwety twisted wool or angora, you must use a stronger. but not loo heaw. yarn or thread for sewing.

Start smocking in the bottom-lcft corner and always work 2 horiiontal rows at rhe same ttme. By altemating the stitches in this way. you get slanred threads on the wrong side ot the work. and the knitted piece will retnain strerchnble.

For the ribs, alternately work 3 stitches in reverse stockinette stitch and 1 in stockinette stitch,.

On stockinette stitch, mark the stitches to be smocked with basting thread or...

Come out with the needle to the left of the first rib stitch. Then sew around the second and first rib stitch and puli them together. Now go down with the needle to the right of the second rib stitch and bring it out again 4 rows higher to the left. next to the second rib stitch, and...

...or mark the locations to be smocked with knit stitches as you are working.



... with purl stitches, and catch the knit stitches next to the marking stitches each time.

...sew around the third and second rib stitch. Then go down with the needle to the right of the third rib stitch, and bring it out again 4 rows lower to the left. noxt to the third rib stitch. Keep repeating these steps.

At the end of the row, turn the work, and work from left to right again.



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