Sleeve Increases in Openwork Pattems

complicated openwork pattems, increas-ing with yarn overs can sometimes create not-so-easy-to-solve problems. Herc are some tips to make it easier.

Adding an Extra Stockinette Stitch at the Edges

You will get especially neat-looking $lccvc scums if you work an cxcra stitch in stockinette stitch next to the 'clveiige stitches, sod work the paltem and increases next to that stitch. That is how this $leevc was calculated and is shown in the seam hetween a selvedge stitch and a knit stitch than hetween .» scłvcdge stitch and a pattern with confusing increases. In the pattern, the horizontal threads arc difficnlt to sec, and it is a 1 most impossihle to make an invisiblc seam. The additional sritch at the slecve seam does not atleci the pattern and practtcally disappears inro ir.

Adjusting the Pattern to the Slanted Edge of the Sleeve

When working rhe slanted edge ot a slecvc, a pattern might cali lor a yarn over after rhe >elvedgc stitch—i.e., nłter the sclvedge stitch and the additional knit sritch—but there are no stitches avnil:iblc to knit togelher, which i> also cailcd for. This happens in Rows >1 and 45 of the exnmp!c shown. At these points, the numher of stitches is inereased with the yarn over, and you do without the knitńng rogether.

Vicc vcn>a, it can happen that after the selredge srirch, 2 stitches have to be knit together. 1 łowcvcr, a yarn over righi ncxt to rhe seam docsnt look nicc (us in Rows 55 or 77 of the chan). Instead of rhe decrcase, simply work 2 knit stitches and 1 twisted merease. The nile of thumb tor slanted edges of sleeves is that

Working openwork pattems on straight picccs is easy for most knitters. The probierni start with increases in the


Herc i' the simpłest solution: Draw the slanted edges of the slccvcs on graph paper. For symmctrical pattems like the diamond pattern shown here, it is very helplul ii you dtBW at least the right sidc of the sleeve.

Then rhe pattern repcat is repcated as often as necessary. and the pattern is widened in rcverse on rhe lett side.

drawing Ir is always easier to sew .1

In an opemcork patiem, u is easier to seu che slce iv scams usmg im isible stitch if dii additional stnekinette stitch is iwrked on both suies nett w the sekedge stitch.



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