018 2

018 2

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EXERCISE C. Complete the consultant’s letter to the family doctor conceming the patienf s diet (with reduced carbohydrates, protein and fat and increased vegetable fibrę), weight reduction, exercising etc.

Consultant’s letter

University Hospital

Oak Tree Lane,

Birmingham, B29 6JF    23rd April, 2001

Dear Dr Capei,

I have just seen Mrs. Richards in our hospital. She has been done all necessary lab tests. A random blood glucose is 15 mmol/1; fasting glucose is 13.8 mmol/1.1 suggest putting her on metformin 500

mg tid. l’ve advised her a weight-reducing diet.J...........................................

......................................................................................................................................... She has to

exercise regularly. She has to lose at least 15 kg ........................................................................

........................................................................................................................I have ordered a daily self-

monitoring of fasting blood glucose level with a glucometre. Additionally, once a week she should self-monitor blood glucose level four times a day: fasting and 2 hours after each main meal (break-fast, lunch, dinner). I have appointed a check up in 2 weeks’ time.

Yours sincerely,

Dr P. Connell Consultant Physician

EXERCISE D. Give the opposites of the following: Chronić -

Mild -Polyuria -




Conscious -Hvperglycemia -

Polyphagia -



Rapid -


Sufflcient -

iV~ CibtAJO



EXERCISE E. Choose the best altemative to complete the following sentences.





Her diabetes has been well............by insulin and appropriate diet.

(a)    cnecked    (c)seen

(b)    watched    ((d) controlled

She must.............her glucose level in the blood regularly.

(a)    monitor    (c)    supervise

(b)    control    (d)    see

After eating sorne sweets her glucose level in the blood................rapidly.

(aj, raised -t> or    (c)    risen

(b) rosę    (d)    rised

The treatment...'............of pharmacotherapy and pnysiotherapy.

(a) contained    (c)    included

,^b) consisted    (d)    composed

A new therapy proved.............

(a)    affective    (c)    efficient

(b)    effective    (d)    effectual

On the fifth day after admission the patient was............from    hospital.

(a)    released    (c)    dismissed

(b)    relieved    (d)    discharged


EXERCISE F. Translate into English.

1.    W wyniku infekcji, lub z innych powodów, trzustka może produkować zbyt mało lub całkowicie przestać produkować insulinę.

2.    Pacjentka została przywieziona do szpitala w śpiączce cukrzycowej.

3.    Po podaniu leków obniżających cukier we krwi, poziom cukru znacznie się obniżył.

4.    Pacjentka sama musi kontrolować pozion insuliny.

5.    Tylko dla starszych pacjentów podawanie insuliny jest konieczne w przypadku cukrzycy typu 2.

6.    Pacjentka musi stracić na wadze 12 kg i przejść na specjalną dietę.

English for [VI ed i cal Studcnts and Doctors — 2



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