1 Quill the coils needed for
a snowman's hat and head and glue them to each other.
2 Quill the rest of the snów man.
3 Snowballs are Solid Coils madę from length strips.
4 Noses are Cone -Coils - Va length strips rolled into a Solid Coil and pushed with a cocktail stick into a cone shape.
N B. Solid Coils and Cone Coils are explained in Jane Jenkins' Instruction Book 4 and in detail in Jane Jenkins’ 2nd Ouilling Video.
1 Each seal's box is madę from a fuli length strip. Glue them in position on the card before guilling the seals.
N.B. Alternate Side Looping is described in detail in Jane Jenkins' First Ouilling Video.
2 Glue icing to pudding before positioning on the card.
Make whiskers from a Y2 length strip. Fold and cut into 2 or 3, almost to the fold.