5 No, she ten'ł/5he'!i not. rm gdłfto io go to her hnuse.
1 WinVs he nrmotlng? He‘s meettny Rob and Mail.
2 What arę they dolng ot 6:007 Thcy’n? fioylrię a burger ar.d ełups.
3 When are they gomg Karting?
TheyTe gulng k.irtlng al 6.30.
4 Hov/ loruj are they kartifig (lor)? TheyYe karllng lor an/óne bour.
5 What tirne aro iney getting borne? TheyYe getting hoirmat 8.30.
1 must hur ry
2 rncstemply
3 rniatrft come A mustrrt eat
5 must tldy 9
1 What limę are they golnij lo come?
2 Con i have an Ice croam?
3 Where aro you meettftg her?
•1 WouJd you Hke to see my new r.pom? 5 Can I swlm horo?
1 by bm 2 by blko 3 by car A bytrain 5 by underground
ie 2a 3b a• 5d 2
1 bank
2 gym
3 museum
a police station 5 halnjresser’5
Uareful 2 happy 3angry A qulet 5 slow
\ b 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 a
1 Does he go by Uus7 ? No Im doesn’t. Hf? qo« by car.
3 How long does U take?
A U takes ffftcón mlnules.
5 lii: summer be goes by bike.
Von 2 leli 3ahead
4 Ikjhls 5 oppostte
Iwcll Zslowly 3qulcklv 4 pollte 5 ca retu 1 ty 9
Ib 2 b 3 o 4 b 5 a 6a 7b 8 c 9 c 10 b
IX 2 ✓ |
3 X 4 X |
5 X |
6 ✓ 7 X |
8/ 9 X |
10 X |
2 IX 2 V |
3 X 4 ✓ |
5 X |
Moy.ał 2funny 3generous
4 jazy 5 bad-tempered 4
I ocean 2 Ude 3 rłv«?r 4 fiood 5 bank 76
la 2c 3c *a 5b
1 docsrTt baye to
2 does yoof sfsłer łtove to
3 do you nai/e to A don’t have to 5 have to
1 What‘s yocr mum llke? She'5 ruce.
2 Wh.ifs your room Itke? |l's very smal
3 What afe you Jlke? l*m r.ooll
4 What aro your brothers llke? TheyYe great.
5 What are you and your sJster Hke? We're very dlfferenL
Ib 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 b
t I camc to help you.
7. We swltched on the TV to lioten to the news.
3 I stopped to buy a magnzir.e,
4 My mum Went to the bank lo ge. some rnoney.
5 My sister boughi a new top to go to the disco.
1 rlngs to talk
2 cpens to lobk ot
3 ctoesnY go to lister; to
4 l'm golng/gotng to go to see
5 did you qo Toplay
tx 2✓
1c 2a 3c 4a
1^ 2 OS 3^ 4 OS 5*4 6 X 7 ✓ 8#
1 She goes to the same schoo!
- Whitchurch.
2 She‘s in the same cIbss - 4A.
3 She goes to school by bus.
4 She has to wcnr a school uniform.
5 Rachel Is friendly and good tun. But she’s not (very) clever and she's (a bit) tazy.
\* 2X
la 2 b 3 b 4 a 7
1 Yes, yau can.
2 It takos 5 mlnutes.
3 It takos t5 mlnules
3 5hc U5ually gocs by hus
4 No he tsn*t.
5 Yes. he lias.
te 2a 3b 4c
1 Can you show me on this map?
2 | see. Hpw lonq dcer. 4 taxe?
3 r.xcellent. Ifs not tar ther.
4 Thanks tor your holp. bye.
(Students* cwn answers)
1 on foot 2 bike 3 cąr 4 tram 5 underground
Ib 2 0 3a 4 t> Sa
I rupe 2 fast 3 luiłd 4 carefu!
5 happy
t smali 2 ckrly 3 empty 4 brawn
5 wide
1 How does he geł to school? Me qoes by brke.
2 Ooos it take tonę? No, U takes 10 minutes.
3 how do you and Ann gó lo school?
We go by bus.
4 How lon:j does It take? U takes 15 mlnules.
5 bo they go by blke? No, thoy don't. They walk
Islowly 2 carelutly 3 happy 4 bad 51 loudly 7
1 twlly 2 loudly 3 angtlly 4 well
5 easlly
1 Mar k and Josh have to qel lo school buf me 8.30,
2 they don't have to play ŁTickęl.
3 Justin doesrTt 1ibvc to oo a lo! ot hómework.
4 Doeshohaveto*«earaiie7 Yes, he does.
5 Do Mark and Josh have to wear a tle? No, I hey don’t.
1 have to
2 doesn*t hove to
3 don’t have to
4 doesh‘t hawi* lo
5 hasto
1 To do his homework.
2 To wash fny half.
3 1 o learn ^ngllsh.
A Togetadrlnk.
5 To buy a CD.
Sophie: |
Let's make a cake, George. |
Susan: |
Oh great, a pizza restaurant! |
George: |
1 can’t make a cake! |
Mum: |
Can we have a table tor two. please? |
Sophie: |
Don’t panie! Ifs easy. l’ve go! a goori recipe. We need some eggs. flour. sugar. bułter and |
Waiter: |
Certainly. Would you llkothis tabte by the w Indó w? |
sorne IrulL |
Mum: |
ThanK you.Thafs great. | |
George: |
Have we qot any eggs? |
Susan: |
What would you llke, Mum? |
Sophie: |
Yes, we‘ve got slx and they‘re in the frldge. |
Mum: |
1 think l’d like a Four Seasons pizza and a |
George: |
Great! But 1 dorVtthink there's any fruit. |
torńato salad. What about you, Susan? | |
Sophie: |
There Is some. There are some apptes. |
Susan: |
I'd llke a Margherlta pizza. |
orartges and barianas in the dlnlng roorri. |
Mum: |
You can't just have a pizza, you must have | |
George: |
OK. Whal do we do now? |
salad too. Ifs good for youl | |
Sophie: |
First, put the sugar and butter into the |
Susan: |
1 don't like salad. Mum. Can 1 have chips? |
blender and whizz for a minutę. |
Mum: |
You can have chips and a salad. | |
George: |
Ali right. And now? |
Susan: |
OK. Chips and a greeri salad. |
Sophie: |
Put in the eggs and flour and whizz for two |
Waiter: |
Anything to drink? |
minutes. |
Susan: |
Umm ... Yes. pteeso. t'd love a sf.rawherry | |
George: |
What about the fruit? |
mllkshake. | |
Sophie: George: |
We need that later. Would you Hke a taste? Ugh! No. |
Mum: |
OK. I want a minera! water. |
Skills Test 2 1 |
■ Skills Test 4 | ||
Kate: |
Look at my riew bookl lf$ got lots of Information about different thlngs. What Is |
Boy: |
Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the new skateboard park? |
the taltest bultding in the world, Mark? |
Woman: |
Yes, Ifs at the sports ceritre opposite the | |
Mark: |
I don‘t know. |s it In America? |
swimming pool. | |
Kate: |
No. Ifs the Talpel 101 building in Taiwan. tfs |
Boy: |
OK. How do 1 gel there? |
508 metres tali. |
Woman: |
Ifs easy. Go down thls road and turn right | |
Mark: |
Wow! |
at the school. Then qo straight ahead, past | |
Kate: |
They flnished It In 2003. Before that the tatlest building was In Malaysia. |
the bank and the skateboard park's there on your łeft. | |
Mark: |
Cool or what! Ask me another question. |
Boy: |
How long does k take? |
Kate: |
What is the most expensłve boat In the world? |
Woman: |
It takes fifteen rnlnutes ori foot. 1 usually go by bus because it on.ly takes fjve minutes. |
Mark: |
Ifs the Oueen Elizabeth. |
Are you walking? | |
Kate: |
No. Ifs the Oueen Mary 2. It cost £540 |
Boy: |
NOj l*m on my skateboard. |
milllon and It can take 3.850 people oh It. |
Woman: |
Oh, my son’s got a skateboard. Have fun | |
Mark: |
Wow! How big is it? |
and be careful! | |
Kate: |
Ifs 345 metres long arid 41 metres wlde. |
Boy: |
Thank you very much. Bye. |
Thafs blgger than the Titanic. The Titanic was only 269 metres long. And the Oueen Mary 2 has got five swimming poolsl |
Woman: |
Bye. |