quencies ... no dead spots, no hot spots. Exclusive E-v compound horn reduces compression distortion to as Iow as 2% at fuli power —thus assuring minimum listener fatigue at any sound level. High efficiency performance cuts the need for costly high power amplifiers.
CONCENTRATED COVERAGE. e-v newly designed reentrant projector provides highest intelligibility at lowest cost where sound must be concentrated. Handles twice the power of conventional speakers, for greater penetration.
Model 047 25-watt COP. Has two coaxially-mounted horns worh-ing from opposlte sides of a smole diaphragm. Speciai edgewise-wound voice coil provides 18% greater efficiency. Wide-range response? 250-10.000 cps. Sound pressure lewel: 114 db. Dispersion: 60* x 120°. Imp.: 16 ohms. Inde-structibie fiberglass horn. Siłę: 11%" * 7%‘ x 10%’ deep. Net wt. 6% Ibs.
List Price. $46.33
Model 047-45 CDP with 45-ohm voice coil for intercom apphcations.
List Pnce. $47.83