holding thi* i nlside
and pullinę the rcntri* across with yoiur (iilgcrs Place tiny iliitn of glue betwccn Ihe rings of the coil and puli a cross as shuwn. hołd iu place urałil łhe glue drirs.
Takt? a 4cm engf * i t błock and loki i: n hal*.
Glucat the folcl t.»r km to make Hic* henk tłum position agalnsr the hcnd as shown mak mg 9ure thc cyc is iii the correct place i lu.se to thc ber.(iluc cne of
the b..u s onds i roi u id thr green roił ot thc hond.. taking carc not tu distor: thi shape of Ihc hcad. Gnie the olher black c:id aiound thc hwid ir thc same way.
Lse 20cm ot groor Make a loosc coil by winding on to ttie looM drop oillo tlie labie, n Iow to lonsen slightly Ihen gluc thc cnd.
Pinch one side ber w cen thumb and fioger lo m iko a teardrop and bend tlv.* poinleó end slightly to shupe.
Usc 3cm of rvd tu make a Juusecoi! us beluj e. Make into a rrescctnt shape by pressing or.e s:.cc łnto the liandle of the locl.
Usc 4crr of white to make a loosc coil as before. Shup. into a i.escent by press ing into Ihe handle of thc \oo.
I ht* w.ng and taiI aro mado by folding the pn per to make luops as shown in Ihe cpencd uul 'ine md' piiluru . the :'ollowing dirgram.
Make the wing r>y folrhng green paper ovcr thc King diagram lo grt the si/e correct and gluc
the p.nched end to koop in sti ipe Makr o taił in Ihe same way iismg the taił diagram.
Assemble thc pici is by a acmg over the diagram bclow and g.uir.g eadi shape lo the uu.O.
Cilue the hinl . uo place on the cnrd. sn the bcak i; u: t on thc flowerand .ułd the greeting down Lite side of thc bitek panel. I also u ser. a bow
and do:s out of thi flower cenlics mi the same shcct to decorale Ihe I ront panel undcme.ith
Ihe ocal shape.
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