Po Wklejeniu wszystkich poprawek z danego zeszytu „Wiadomości Żeglarskich” należy wpisać numer :ego zeszytu do specjalnej tabeli kontrolnej, zamieszczonej właśnie w tym celu na wewnętrznej stronie każdego tomu Spisu.
Od czasu do czasu (kwartalnie) Admiralicja zamieszcza w zeszycie „Wiadomości Żeglarskich” zbiorczą istę poprawek Admiralty List of Radio Signals - Cummulative List of Corrections. Taka lista znalazła sie także w NtMs 51/99 (załącznik 1, s. 6.6-6.8 lub s. 241-243).
Hours o< Waich H24
2350 Saint Helena (ZHH)
Sectfor>4, frepuency table, delete lines 1 to 3.43977 replace by:
VOLUME1,1996/97—PART 1
PubłishedWk 31/96
(Last Corrections: Weekły Edttion Na 50 dated 12 December 1996)
0936 Almirante Ramos Pereira {Apułla) (Radlonaval) (CTN)
Section:, lreqoency labie, delete linę f. 487 .... to — H24 andreęiace by:
CTN 442 500 468 400 500 A1A A2A 10
NOTĘ: Additional lrequenries lo those listed can be used to cali station (on request)
0955 Comandante Nunes Ribeiro (Algśs) (Radionaval) (CTV)
Sedions 1 and 2. delete and replace by:
1. WT (MF) Hours of serv1c«: H24
Transmus Receiws
CTV 500 525 468 480 500 A1A A2A 10
NOTĘ: Additional frequencies lo those listed can be used to cali slaiion |on reguest)
2. WT (HF) Hours of seryice: H24
CTV8 B359 8 MHz A1A
Ships' Weather Reporls. linę r. de/ete (MF) 0960 Sagres (Radionaval) (CTS)
Section 1. (reęuency labie, delete tine 1. CTS — to — H24 and replace by:
CTS 500 511 480 500 Al A A2A H24
NOTĘ: Addttłonal frequencies to those listed can be used to cali station (on request} 51.96 1100 Saint-Lys (FFL) (FFS) (FFT) [1634]
Delete section 1
Section 2. delete heading and replace by:
1, RT (HF) Houre of servic«: 070G-2300 S1/96
Section 3. renumber as section 2
Sectont, frequency table, delete linę 1. CTH .... to.... H24 and replace by CTH 500 524-5 480 500 A1A A2A 3 0 H24
NOTĘ: Addrtionai frequend8s to those listed can be used to cal! stabon (on request) 51/96
1955 Porto Santo (Radionaval) (CTQ)
Section 1, freqvency table, delete linę 1. 500____to.. H24 and replace by:
CTQ 437 500 468 480 500 A1A A2A 10 H24
NOTĘ: Ackfitional frequencies to those Ssted can be used to cali station (on reque$t) (Portuguese Rade Ust) 51/96
. As hours ol seryice, and
J3E R3E 10
J3E R3E 1-0 As hours ol service J3E R3E 10 As hours ol seryice
(MT Jo Mapie) 51/96
VOLUME1,1996/97—PART 2
PubłishedWk 31/96
(Las/ Corrections: Weekły Edition Na. 49 dated 5 December 1996)
Insert station:
Maritime Communication Olfice (Manila) (DZX) [4151 ] 4007
TEIEPHONE: *63 2 533 7097/8/9 l*'3W 121”03'E
FAX: +63 2 533 3483
NOTĘ This stabon is new/y opon and openated by IM Govwnmom oł the PtiAppines. Seryicas are currently on ty available to Metro Manila customers, but wiH soon be ^irailaWe lor generał use
1. WT (HF) Hours of *ervłct: H24
4230-4 |
4 MHz (2-4) |
A1A |
30 |
As on CO tap« |
6355-4 |
6 MHz (2-4) |
A1A |
30 |
As on CO Ope |
8442 5’ |
8 MHz (2-4) |
A1A |
3-0 |
As on CO łapo |
12733 3’ |
12 MHz (2-4) |
A1A |
30 |
As oo CQ tape |
16925-4’ |
16 MHz (2-4) |
AtA |
30 |
As on CQ łap* |
22452 |
22 MHz (2-1) |
A1A |
3-0 |
As on CQ lape |
(1) Broadcastmg Philppme news ewery 0245 Monday-Fóday
(Continua* on next papej