15357582022190203328808069095 n

15357582022190203328808069095 n


1.    50 % of maierials was sold for 15000 $ + VAT 22 % (Payment 30 days, materials handed to customer). Record price of sold materials 10000 $, cost of acquisition 12000 S. Rccord transactions in accounts.

2. Company bought tangible asset (need assembly, selling cost) for 80 000 $ -i- VAT 22 %. Invoice for assembly 8 000 S - YAT 22 %. Invoice for transport 8 000 S + VAT 22 %. Payments were madę by transfer. Asset was commissioned for use. Economic life - 5 years. Residual value 5 000 $. Calculate depreciation for current month using reducing balance method (constant factor is 2.0). Record transaction in accounts. Calculate book value of asset after year of continued use.

3.    Company bought goods for 100 000 $ + YAT (22 %). Profit margin is 30 %. Company uses net selling price to record goods. Payment was madę by cash. 50 % of goods was sold for 70 000 S + YAT 22 % (payment 30 days). Record transactions in accounts.

4.    Indirect production cost was transferred a* part of manufacturing cost 10000 $. Record transactions in accounts.


5.    Invoice for modernization of production machinę 4000 % + Yat 22 %. Payment - transfer. Record transactions in account. Present transaction in cash flow statement (direct method).

6.    Provision for bad debts was consumed 10000 $. Record transactions in account.

7.    Company calculatcd depreciation of tools (direct cost, cost of acquisition 120000 S) for current month 30 000 $. Company bought materials for 100 000 S + YAT 22 % (Payment in 30 days). Record price is 120 000 $. Materials were delivered. 50 % of materials was consumed in production process. 100 units of product were produccd. 50 % of products was sold for 25000 $ + YAT 22 % (paid by transfer). Products were handed to customer. Record transactions in accounts, calculate book value of asset. present transactions in profit/loss statement (both methods), cash flow statement (both methods).

Company uses two classifications of costs - by type and function.


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