lOCfe ii Kivm a Im;m jbowti in Figurę I, madę of alummurii and subjeeted to gtvcn fotce*. Draw a graph of it» dtown łn F,» j
, °°**,KX'*bonCTiiDg Auuax che foliowing ouirnal and j co mętne data 70 CPa. d. “ * cm. d; - 6 cm. PI-2kN. P2-2JtN. P3- IkN.
Ta*k 2
Oraw the graph of M/x) for tbc structurc shown in Fig. 2. Mark cbaracteristic valucs.
Aijurnc; M~$kNm. q» IkN/m. l-2m.
Tk»k .1
For the givcn stale of stroi shown m Fig. 3 ftnd the matnx of stresses tn cootdinatc axcs inchncd at the givcn Make Ihc appropoatc drawtng.
Find theiUfc of stress for the given concrctc błock inserted into an undeformable saddlc (Figurę 4). Assumc:
E * 20 GPa. v-0.20 and p-IOMPa. What materia! constants are present in all thrcc forms of the Hookc law?
uk 3 and cale “ctial conau
Task 5
Caicidatc central principal moments of inertia for the cross-section givcn in the Figurę 5.
Asstane: ln-*5mm. tc~10mm. U-5mm; h.“30mm. h^bc-25mm
0.3 m ;/ 0/< w